How Long Does Invisalign Take To Work?

How Long Does Invisalign Take To Work?
8 min read

The time it takes for Invisalign to work can vary depending on the severity of your orthodontic issues and treatment plan. Here are some general guidelines:

Mild cases: If you have mild orthodontic issues such as slight overcrowding or small gaps between teeth, Invisalign treatment may take as little as six months.

Moderate cases: If you have moderate orthodontic issues such as more significant crowding or spacing, treatment with Invisalign may take 12 to 18 months.

Severe cases: If you have more severe orthodontic issues, such as significant malocclusion or a misaligned bite, treatment with Invisalign may take up to two years.

It's important to note that the length of treatment with Invisalign can also depend on factors such as how often you wear your aligners, how well you follow our dentist in St. Albert instructions, and whether any mid-course corrections or refinements are needed. Our dental specialist will create a personalized treatment plan that considers your specific needs and goals and will estimate how long your treatment is expected to take. Regular check-ups throughout your treatment can also help to ensure that your teeth are moving properly and that your treatment is on track.

Invisalign Treatment Procedure:

Invisalign is a popular orthodontic treatment that uses a series of clear, removable aligners to straighten teeth and correct bite issues gradually. Here is an overview of the Invisalign treatment procedure:

Consultation: The first step in the Invisalign treatment process is a consultation with our orthodontist trained and certified to provide Invisalign treatment. During this appointment, our orthodontist will evaluate your teeth and bite to determine if Invisalign is a suitable treatment option for you.

Treatment planning: If you are a candidate for Invisalign, our orthodontist will create a personalized treatment plan that includes a series of custom-made aligners. These aligners are designed to gradually move your teeth into the desired position throughout your treatment.

Aligner fabrication: Once your treatment plan has been created, our dentist near you will take digital impressions of your teeth using a 3D scanner. These impressions are used to create a 3D model of your teeth, which is used to design your custom aligners.

Aligner fitting: When your aligners are ready, you will have an appointment with our orthodontist to receive your first set of aligners and learn how to wear and care for them. Our orthodontist will also provide instructions on how often to wear your aligners (typically 20-22 hours per day) and how to switch to the next set of aligners in your treatment plan.

Monitoring progress: Throughout your treatment, you will have regular appointments with our dental specialist to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan. These appointments typically occur every 6-8 weeks.

Completion of treatment: Once you have completed your series of aligners, our orthodontist may recommend using a retainer to help maintain the results of your treatment.

One of the key benefits of Invisalign is that the aligners are virtually invisible, making them a popular choice for adults who want to straighten their teeth without the look of traditional metal braces. In addition, the aligners are removable, which means you can eat and drink whatever you like during treatment and clean your teeth as you normally would.

Overall, Invisalign near you is a safe and effective treatment option for many orthodontic issues. By working with our qualified dentist and following your treatment plan carefully, you can achieve a straighter, healthier smile with minimal disruption to your daily life.

What Are the Benefits of Invisalign?

Invisalign is a popular orthodontic treatment that uses a series of clear, removable aligners to straighten teeth and correct bite issues. Here are some of the benefits of Invisalign:

Clear and nearly invisible: Invisalign aligners are made of clear plastic, which makes them almost invisible. This means you can straighten your teeth without the noticeable appearance of traditional metal braces.

Comfortable to wear: Invisalign aligners are custom-made for your teeth and are designed to fit snugly and comfortably. Unlike traditional braces, there are no wires or brackets to irritate your mouth.

Removable: Invisalign aligners are removable, meaning you can take them out to eat, brush, and floss. This allows for better oral hygiene and reduces the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

No food restrictions: Since Invisalign aligners are removable, there are no restrictions on the types of food you can eat during treatment. With traditional braces, certain foods are off-limits to avoid damaging the brackets or wires.

Shorter treatment time: In some cases, Invisalign treatment can be completed in a shorter amount of time than traditional braces. This is due to 3D computer imaging technology that allows our dentist to create a personalized treatment plan and adjust it as needed throughout the treatment process.

Fewer office visits: Invisalign treatment typically requires fewer visits than traditional braces. The aligners are custom-made and designed to shift your teeth into the desired position over time gradually.

Better oral health: Invisalign aligners can improve your oral health by making cleaning your teeth and gums easier. Traditional braces can be difficult to clean, leading to plaque buildup and gum disease.

Improved self-esteem: Invisalign treatment can give you a straighter, healthier smile, improving your self-esteem and confidence. With a more attractive smile, you may feel more comfortable in social situations and more confident in your personal and professional life.

 By working with our qualified orthodontist and following your treatment plan carefully, you can achieve a straighter, healthier smile with minimal disruption to your daily life.

Tips for wearing Invisalign

Invisalign is a popular orthodontic treatment that uses a series of clear, removable aligners to straighten teeth and correct bite issues. Here are some tips for wearing Invisalign:

Wear your aligners for the recommended time: Invisalign aligners should be worn for at least 22 hours daily, removing them to eat, brush, and floss. Failure to wear your aligners for the recommended time can prolong your treatment and compromise your results.

Change your aligners on time: Invisalign treatment involves a series of aligners designed to shift your teeth into the desired position gradually. It is important to change your aligners on time, as directed by our orthodontist, to ensure your treatment stays on track.

Clean your aligners regularly: Invisalign should be cleaned regularly to prevent bacteria buildup and keep them looking clear. You can clean your aligners by gently brushing them with a soft-bristled toothbrush and water or using the Invisalign cleaning crystals.

Brush and floss regularly: Good oral hygiene is important during Invisalign treatment to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Brush your teeth at least twice daily and floss daily to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Be mindful of what you eat: While Invisalign aligners are removable, it is important to be mindful of what you eat during treatment. Avoid hard, sticky, and sugary foods that can damage your aligners or contribute to tooth decay.

Carry a travel toothbrush: It's a good idea to carry a travel toothbrush and toothpaste with you so you can brush your teeth and aligners after meals or snacks while away from home.

Keep your aligners in their case: When you're not wearing your aligners, keep them in their case to prevent loss or damage. Do not wrap them in a napkin or tissue, as they can easily be discarded or misplaced.

Following these tips can ensure a successful Invisalign treatment and achieve the straight, healthy smile you've always wanted. Remember to work closely with our orthodontist and ask any questions you may have.


Invisalign can be a great option for anyone looking to straighten their teeth and achieve a healthier, more confident smile. Talk to Dentus Family Dental to see if Invisalign is right for you. Invisalign offers several benefits over traditional braces.

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