Actionable Tips for Running a Successful Voice of the Customer (VOC) Program
As businesses strive to stay ahead of the competition, the importance of understanding and meeting the needs of customers has become crucial. The Voice of the Customer (VOC) program is a crucial tool...
02 February 2023
· 5
Carolyn James
How can you use article marketing to increase SEO and generate more traffic?
To improve the number of users who visit your site and increase traffic to your site, it is best to write, publish, and share SEO-friendly content. An outstanding piece has the potential to be a wells...
27 October 2022
· 22
Carolyn James
How to Enhance your business with QR code in Marketing Campaign
Do you know how you can make your marketing campaign successful and easy?
The answer is QR codes.
QR codes are a very easy and effective way to make your marketing campaign successful and prosperous...
19 October 2022
· 11
Carolyn James
What Is Quick Response Technology And Its Uses?
A QR code functions like a barcode. Still, it can carry information in two dimensions (horizontally and vertically) and can store much more data than a single-dimensional bar code. Compared to barcode...
05 October 2022
· 129
Carolyn James
Negative impacts of technology on relationship
The negative impact of technology on relationships is between people, facilitates communication, or suppresses social activity. The impact of technology which affects relationships in misunderstanding...
30 August 2022
· 380
Carolyn James
Ultimate Guide to Cut-down Cost of App Development
Today, there are over 2.1 billion smartphone users worldwide. Cell usage has increased so much that it has almost reached the point of saturation in some developed markets. In response...
15 August 2022
· 70
Carolyn James