What Does a Chimney Sweep Do?
Cleaning your chimney at least once a year is a must whether you burn wood or gas. Instead of doing it yourself, hire a chimney sweep to save time and effort while ensuring that th...
04 May
· 4
The Fireplace Technician
Tips for Building Safe Outdoor Fireplaces in Auckland
Enhancing your outdoor space with a fireplace can offer added warmth and a sociable spot for cooking and grilling. But before constructing an outdoor fireplace in Auckland, there are key consideration...
04 December 2023
· 3
The Fireplace Technician
What are the Tips for Fireplace Cleaning?
If you have a traditional fireplace that uses firewood, coal, or gas, then you need to take the time off your busy schedule to keep it well-maintained. Fireplace cleaning is essential for wa...
04 March
· 2
The Fireplace Technician
Reasons Why a Custom Fireplace Is Better Than the Fireplace Store
Are you wondering if a custom wood fireplace is right for your home? Buying a ready-made from a fireplace store might be cheaper, but it cannot match the beauty and functionality of one that...
05 April
· 2
The Fireplace Technician
Benefits of an Outdoor Fireplace
An outdoor fireplace can be a lovely addition to your patio or backyard, but its purpose goes beyond adding an aesthetically pleasing feature to your home. It also brings more functionality...
04 July
· 1
The Fireplace Technician