10 Questions to Ask an Android App Developer

10 Questions to Ask an Android App Developer
6 min read
02 February 2022

Your app idea may be the next big thing, but it’s not going to do you any good if you don’t have an Android developer on your team to make it happen. A great app starts with great programming, so how do you know when you’ve found a capable Android app developer? These 10 questions will help you determine whether or not that candidate is right for your project.


1) How much experience do you have?

When hiring anyone, your first question should be how much experience they have. With Android developers, look for someone who has done previous work on apps with a similar scope of work as yours. They might not be able to do exactly what you want them to (because only you can decide what that is), but it will give you an idea of their skill level and ability to pick up new things quickly. And make sure they specialize in Android—it’s a common mistake for people who develop on iOS or web technology stacks, for example, which leads me into my next point...


2) What’s your specialty?

What sort of apps do you like developing? Do you have any experience with large-scale deployments? What’s your main technology platform? Have you ever developed for iOS before? What are your long-term goals for your career? How many years of experience do you have in development overall and how many in Android specifically? How will we communicate with each other during development? Do I need to sign a contract or make any financial commitments before getting started on my project together?


3) Tell me about a successful project you did

As a general rule, you should ask your potential developer a lot of questions. This is your chance to find out as much as possible about their background and experience. As you read through candidate responses, look for specific details about previous projects: what kind of apps have they created? How long have they been developing for Android? Where are their clients based?


4) What education/training do you have?

A good Android app developer should have at least a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related field, as well as professional certifications such as those offered by Oracle or Sun Microsystems. For most positions, it’s also helpful if they have experience working with web-based Java programming frameworks such as Struts and Hibernate.


5) What makes you stand out from the crowd?

The key to hire Android app developer is finding someone who's a great match for your business. Be sure that you ask questions at every stage of development so that your team and your developer can best understand each other’s needs. If you don't see eye-to-eye on how much time or money something will cost, it could spell trouble down the road.


6) What is your availability like?

One of your first questions should be, What’s your availability like? If you need a developer to start immediately, you might have some difficulty finding someone who fits. The same is true if you’re looking for long-term commitment; most reputable freelance developers will want some assurance that they’ll be able to work with you for at least a year or two before agreeing.


7) How many projects are in progress at the moment?

Asking a developer how many projects they’re working on can tell you a lot about their workflow and whether or not they’re capable of handling more work. Find out if they have time in their schedule for another project by asking, How many projects are you currently working on? Make sure that number is feasible before moving forward with negotiations. A good developer will be able to give you a clear answer here without adding more work onto their plate.


8) Do you have references I can speak with?

The best way to find out whether someone’s a good fit for your project is through word of mouth. It sounds like a lot of people are recommending a particular developer, so be sure you ask for that person’s contact information so you can reach out and follow up. If there aren’t any referrals, try looking for connections on LinkedIn or other social media networks.


9) Will I have access to the ongoing development process during our relationship?

It’s important for you to have a good working relationship with your developer. You need one who’s available and open. If not, it could spell trouble down the road. Make sure they don’t just provide a fix-it-and-forget-it service but are willing to help in any way possible as new features come up or you face other hurdles along your app development journey.


10) Would it be possible for me to take part in some of your working sessions so I can see how things work?

Every Android app developer works differently and there is no right or wrong way. However, if you’re serious about making an investment in hiring a professional Android app developer, you should try to take part in some of their working sessions so you can see how things work. There are certain questions you should ask at every stage of your project and we have listed some below for your consideration

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John Smith 20
Hello, my name is John Smith my passion is Web Design and Website Development of usable and engaging Websites and Mobile Applications. I deliver Digital Product...
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