Acupuncture Facelift: What Is Face Acupuncture For

Acupuncture Facelift: What Is Face Acupuncture For
5 min read

What is face acupuncture? The skin is the largest organ in our body and a window into our inner health. The premature signs of aging can be the external manifestation of other symptoms, such as stress and hormonal or nutritional imbalances. Also, check for acupuncture for stress and acupuncture for hormones.

Origins of the Acupuncture Facelift

This specific face acupuncture technique was born more than thirty years ago when a Chinese doctor, an expert in unilateral facial paralysis, found that on the part of the face that had been immobilized and had recovered, the skin had a better tone, was lighter, and had fewer wrinkles. As often happens in acupuncture, practice, and subtle observation have led to the solution without looking for it.

So Why an Acupuncture Facelift?

The acupuncture facelift or face acupuncture is a unique method of facial rejuvenation based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, which consists of the insertion of fine needles to increase the flow of oxygen, the release of powerful anti-inflammatories, acceleration of the elimination of cellular waste, and even the stimulation of fibroblast cells in the dermis, promoting the production of new collagen and elastin, significantly improving tone and elasticity.

The face, the skin, and the muscle are closely linked, in the sense that any action on the muscle will have effects on the skin. Therefore, the muscle is stimulated to tighten the epidermis. Faceacupuncture not only combats the premature superficial signs of aging but also the internal factors that cause aging by stimulating and channeling the body's healing energy, repairing the skin from within.

What Benefits Does an Acupuncture Facelift Have?

  • Acupuncture facelift increases collagen and elastin production, firming the skin and filling in wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Increases the muscle tone of the facial skin since it tones the facial muscles and reduces flaccidity of the skin


  • Face acupuncture Improves blood microcirculation of the face, inducing cellular nutrition, reviving facial shine, and preventing cell degeneration due to lack of nutrition.
  • It provides a healthy appearance to damaged skin and improves abnormal conditions, such as spots, acne, and dryness.
  • Face acupuncture adjusts sebum secretion, improving the skin's elasticity and avoiding obstruction at the skin level and the appearance of acne.
  • Reduces and softens expression lines, and shallow wrinkles and also softens the deepest furrows
  • It can lighten, improve, and even eliminates hyperpigmentation problems and facial spots caused by age and sun exposure.

What Side Effects Does it Have?

The only side effect we can have when performing an acupuncture facelift or face acupuncture is the appearance of a small bruise in the puncture area due to the breakage of a small capillary, which subsides quickly.

Acupuncture Facelift: How it Improves Your Skin

An alternative to conventional, painful, and very expensive facelifts is acupuncture facelifts. Discover what they consist of and what they can do to improve the condition of your skin.

The acupuncture facelift performed at the Red Leaf Wellness and chronic pain clinic in Edmonton is one more specialty developed from traditional Chinese medicine principles. As its name indicates, its purpose is to reduce wrinkles on the face and neck, make them more tenuous, and, depending on their depth, even eliminate them. But with the treatment, health is treated and not only beauty.

How Does Face Acupuncture Work?

As in any face acupuncture session, the needles balance the movement of chi (energy), remove possible blockages along the meridians (energy channels) and increase blood flow in the treated area. It is the blood itself that, by providing more nutrients, improves the appearance of the skin, giving it greater luminosity, moisture, and smoothness.

The needles used in these sessions are finer and smaller than the usual acupuncture for stress needles. In many cases, they are painless. In parallel, the result is improved with electrotherapy and, in some cases, with the help of a laser.

How Long is the Face Acupuncture Treatment at the Chronic Pain Clinic in Edmonton?

The recommended number of sessions is 10, at a rate of 1-2 weekly sessions. From the 7th or 8th session, we will begin to see profound changes, although, from the first, we will observe an elevation of the facial muscles and a brighter look. A maintenance session every 1 or 2 months is a must. The result will be an improvement in blood circulation, collagen production, and, in general, in all the body's meridians since they are all connected to the facial muscles. The skin is plumped by reducing swelling and fluid retention, promoting lymphatic drainage, and achieving a youthful glow.

Skin care after the acupuncture facelift sessions is also fundamental: drink enough water, sunbathe sparingly, and use some moisturizing cream.

It is recommended to perform a maintenance session every 2-6 months. This time interval depends on the initial state of the skin and the age of the client: the better the condition, the less need for maintenance, and the older the less recommended time between sessions

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