An Extensive Guide: Top 5 Micro-Frontend Frameworks to Watch Out for 2023

An Extensive Guide: Top 5 Micro-Frontend Frameworks to Watch Out for 2023
7 min read
An Extensive Guide: Top 5 Micro-Frontend Frameworks to Watch Out for 2023
Photo by Bianca Ackermann on Unsplash

Why is the Micro Frontend framework important?

An Extensive Guide: Top 5 Micro-Frontend Frameworks to Watch Out for 2023

1. Increased Agility and Flexibility

  • Micro Frontends allow for more flexibility and agility in development, as each application feature is an independent module that can be developed, tested, and deployed in isolation.
  • Teams can choose the technology stack that best fits their needs and preferences, allowing for greater flexibility in development.

2. Improved Scalability

  • Micro Frontends make it easier to scale applications horizontally, as each module can be deployed separately, allowing for better performance and reliability.
  • It also enables teams to easily add or remove features from the application without affecting the rest of the application, making it more scalable in the long run.

3. Reduced Dependency and Improved Maintenance

  • Micro Frontends reduce dependency between features, making it easier to maintain the application over time.
  • Each module can be developed, tested, and deployed independently, which makes it easier to make updates or changes without impacting the entire application.

4. Better Team Productivity and Collaboration

  • Micro Frontends allow teams to work independently on different parts of the application without stepping on each other’s toes, improving productivity and collaboration.
  • Each team can focus on its specific feature or functionality, reducing conflicts and streamlining development.

5. Improved User Experience

  • Micro Frontends enable developers to create better user experiences by focusing on specific features and functionality.
  • It also allows for greater customization and personalization of the application, improving user engagement and satisfaction.

5 Top Micro Frontend Frameworks 2023

  1. Single-SPA framework
  2. Piral Framework
  3. Luigi Framework
  4. OpenComponents Framework
  5. Mosaic Framework

1. Single-SPA Framework

An Extensive Guide: Top 5 Micro-Frontend Frameworks to Watch Out for 2023

# How does Single-SPA work?

  • Single-SPA uses a router to determine which micro frontend to load based on the current URL. When the user navigates to a new page, the router determines which micro frontend to load based on the URL path and loads it dynamically.
  • Each micro frontend is a standalone JavaScript application that can be developed and deployed independently. This allows for greater flexibility and agility in development, as each micro frontend, can be updated or modified without affecting the rest of the application.
  • Single-SPA provides a set of lifecycle hooks that allow micro frontends to interact with each other and with the router. For example, a micro frontend can register itself with the router, which allows it to receive notifications when the URL changes.
  • Single-SPA also provides a module loader that allows micro frontends to import and export functionality between each other. This makes it easier to share code and resources between micro frontends, reducing redundancy and improving efficiency.

2. Piral Framework

An Extensive Guide: Top 5 Micro-Frontend Frameworks to Watch Out for 2023

# How does Piral work?

  • Piral uses a dynamic loading mechanism that allows it to load and unload micro frontends on-demand, improving application performance and reducing load times.
  • It provides a plugin architecture that enables developers to extend and customize the framework’s functionality by writing plugins.
  • Piral allows developers to share dependencies across different micro frontends, reducing the application’s overall size and improving performance.
  • It provides a centralized state management system, which allows developers to manage the application’s state in a single location.

3. Luigi Framework

An Extensive Guide: Top 5 Micro-Frontend Frameworks to Watch Out for 2023

# How does Luigi work?

  • Luigi provides a centralized configuration system that allows developers to easily configure and manage the application’s micro frontends.
  • It offers a powerful routing system that allows developers to navigate between different micro frontends easily.
  • Luigi provides a shared state management system, which allows developers to manage the application’s state in a single location.
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Aditya Jani 338
Aditya is dedicated to revolutionizing businesses by incorporating fresh concepts into their digital endeavors. Currently, he is employed at Ace Infoway and has...
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