Angular Development: Building Interactive Web Applications

Angular Development: Building Interactive Web Applications
5 min read
18 November 2022

When building web applications, there are two main frameworks developers can choose from in order to give their application structure and functionality: vanilla JavaScript and AngularJS. Each has its own set of pros and cons, but if your app is going to be highly interactive, it’s a better choice to go with the latter. This Angular development guide will show you everything you need to get started with the Angular framework and start building your own complex web apps with ease!


Angular is a powerful and productive framework that can help you build complex, interactive web applications with less code. In this post, we will explore the benefits of Angular development and the various features it provides for building great web apps. We’ll cover topics like data binding, reactive programming, and routing to give you an overview of what Angular has to offer. We’ll also discuss some important concepts such as modules, directives, and components before delving into more advanced topics like testing and deployment.

What is Angular?

Angular is a framework for building web applications with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Angular incorporates declarative templates, dependency injection, end-to-end tooling, and integrated best practices to solve common web development problems. Many other best practices of Angular to adopt while considering. Angular empowers developers to build applications that live on the web, mobile, or desktop. It is built by Google and released as open-source software under Apache License 2.0.

Setting up the Development Environment

There are four steps to setting up your development environment for Angular development. The first is to install NodeJS and NPM. Once these are installed, you'll need to set up a new project with Angular CLI. In the command line, type `ng new my-project. This will create a basic project with all of the necessary parts. You can now open this project in your favorite text editor or IDE. When you open it, there should be an app folder containing everything related to the front end of your application. You can also run `ng serve in order to start serving it locally so that you can test changes as you make them.

Your First Angular Application

In this tutorial, we are going to walk through building an Angular application from scratch. First, we'll need to set up our project using the Angular CLI and then create a component. Finally, we'll add some animation to the component by adding a transition between two states of the component. We'll use the webpack-dev-server and webpack for building our applications in development mode as well as production mode for deployment. Let's get started!

Angular Components

Components are the building blocks of Angular. The Angular CLI provides two types of components, Pipes, and Directives. Directives are used to extend HTML elements with new behavior, while Pipes transform data from one format to another. For example, a Pipe can turn a string into an uppercase string or can be used as a filter for finding only strings that contain a certain word. 

The second type of component is Component decorators which attach metadata to a component class rather than creating standalone directives or pipes that you might want to share across your application.

Angular Services

Services in Angular are a way of providing the web application with functionality that can be shared across modules. Services are similar to Angular's dependency injection but provide a more explicit contract for how the service will be used by the other components in your application.

There are two types of services, singleton and provided. Singleton services are instantiated only once per Angular app, while provided services are instantiated every time they're injected into a component.

Angular Routing

One of the first things that you might need to do is to set up your routes. The route is what defines a URL path and how it should be handled by the application. Angular makes this easy with its built-in support for routing. To use routes, all you need to do is import the RoutingModule from @angular/router and add it as a dependency in your app module's list of imports.

Deploying Angular Applications

When you're ready to deploy your Angular application, the first thing you'll need is a server. For this purpose, Heroku makes it easy to get up and running quickly with minimal configuration. You can find more information on Heroku's website. They also have a Getting Started page for deploying Node.js applications. 

You should also check out tools like Travis CI which can automatically test and deploy code in response to events such as pushing new commits or creating tags in GitHub. 


If you are looking to build an interactive web application, Angular is the right framework for you. But when it comes time to hire Angular developers, make sure that they have the skills and experience to deliver a top-notch product. Make sure your developers can provide examples of successful projects in the past.  You want to be able to see how their work has helped solve other organizations’ problems. 

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