Build Property on the Moon

5 min read
08 December 2022


Currently, there is no way to build property on the moon. This is because the agreement between the government and the people on the moon does not allow anyone to do that. Hopefully, in the future, there will be a treaty between the government and the people on the moon that allows the people to do this. It is very exciting to think about the possibility of having a place to live on the moon.

Dennis Hope

Using a 1967 United Nations Outer Space Treaty, Dennis Hope claims ownership of the moon. According to him, the US hoisted its first flag on the moon in 1862. Taking advantage of this, he formed a company to sell pieces of extraterrestrial land. Since the 1980s, he's sold over two million 'deeds', the same name as his company.

A growing group of lawyers and financiers believe that humans should have some kind of rights to celestial bodies. Specifically, they want to be able to claim personal property rights on the Moon. However, there's no standardized law governing other planets.

In 1999, Dennis Hope filed his claim, claiming to own 611 million acres of land Build property on moon. He's since marketed plots of the lunar surface to the public.

Outer Space Treaty

Founded fifty years ago, the Outer Space Treaty is a cornerstone of international law. It regulates the exploration and use of outer space. It applies to celestial bodies, including the moon, and to activities of multiple states. The treaty is widely ratified. As of January 2017, it has 105 parties.

Article II of the Outer Space Treaty prohibits national appropriation of the moon. In addition, the treaty states that nations are prohibited from putting weapons of mass destruction in outer space. The treaty also focuses on phenomena in outer space that could be harmful to astronauts.

Article VI states that state parties are responsible for ensuring that the activities conducted in outer space are safe. The treaty also requires that they inform the international scientific community and the public about what they are doing.

Moon Agreement

Despite international law, many countries want to claim their own land on the Moon. This is a complicated issue because of the international nature of space law.

The Moon Agreement states that the Moon's natural resources are a common heritage of mankind. This means that each nation must be careful not to interfere with others' use of these resources. If a nation plans to build a base on the Moon, it must inform the United Nations first.

The Moon Agreement reaffirms the Outer Space Treaty provisions for celestial bodies. For instance, it bans the testing of weapons, the contamination of celestial bodies, and the use of force on the Moon. It also states that the Moon is reserved for peaceful activities.

Cost of building a base on the moon

Getting to the Moon is not cheap. The cost of launching a kilogram of payload can reach six-digit numbers. Moreover, lunar resources are limited. Besides, sending humans to the Moon would be a feat of ingenuity.

According to some spaceflight experts, the cost of establishing a base on the moon may be cheaper than you think. It is possible that there are technologies on the International Space Station (ISS) that could be used on the Moon. Using these technologies, you could build a base that could sustain 100 people within a decade.

Several countries have already signed a declaration that would allow them to establish a permanent lunar scientific research station. The Chinese space agency has also announced its next steps in the Chang'e lunar exploration program.

Solar energy on the moon

Several private companies and space agencies are attempting to develop technology that would enable the establishment of permanent human settlements on the Moon. These companies are aiming to create human habitats on the Moon within the next decade.

One idea is to use solar energy collected on the Moon to power a giant laser beam that could be sent back to Earth. However, there are several roadblocks to this type of project. These include the harsh light and temperature extremes of the moon. There are also the challenges of building transmission infrastructure, maintenance, and the hostile space environment.

Another concept would be to place self-replicating solar panels on the moon. These panels would collect the Sun's energy and then wirelessly beam it to the Earth. This would provide a clean source of energy for the planet.

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