Different types of brush for acrylic painting

Different types of brush for acrylic painting
3 min read

The use of right paintbrushes is very important to achieve the desired results in acrylic painting. The brushes determine the texture of the painting to a big extent. There are acrylic painting brushes of different shapes, and sizes. Beginners might experience a lot of confusion while buying a paintbrush. Every brush serves a specific purpose, and their incorrect use can destroy the entire artwork. Pentel is an efficient platform that offers a number of products, such as acrylic painting brushes, marker for drawing, highlighters, mechanical pen, and more. Here, we will be discussing in detail about the different varieties of paintbrushes that are frequently employed in acrylic painting.

Acrylic Painting Brushes

The acrylic painting brushes come in different sizes and shapes. Each one of them delivers a unique effect in your artwork. Read on to learn more about these paintbrushes, and their use.

1. Round Brushes

It is a very popular brush for acrylic painting, and is generally employed for filling the small details of your painting. Controlling round brushes with short bristles is easier than handling ones with long bristles. An important advantage of this paintbrush is that by controlling the pressure applied, you will be able to produce lines of varying thickness. Applying more pressure will lead to the formation of a thicker line.

2. Flat Brushes

These brushes are an integral part of acrylic painting, and have the capacity to carry a lot of paint. They are used for blending different colors, and filling large areas in the artwork. The flat acrylic brushes are very versatile, and if you hold them along their edge, you will be able to make fine lines in your painting. So, this versatile brush is an absolute necessity while doing acrylic painting.

3. Fan Brushes

The tip of this brush is fan-shaped, and is used for creating unique textures and elements in the artwork. With the right use of fan brushes, you will be able to create different beautiful details, like clouds, building ridges, and more. While buying a fan brush, always select one with durable bristles. Acrylic paints are heavier in nature, and if bristles are not durable, it might result in clumping issues.

4. Filbert Brushes

This is a rectangular-shaped brush that has characteristics of both round and flat brush. The Filbert brush has a rounded tip, and is mostly employed for covering the canvas. You can also use this brush while working on the finer details of your painting.


We have discussed in detail about the different types of paintbrushes used in acrylic painting. Every paintbrush has its unique features, and specific applications. It is very important to choose good quality paintbrushes. With proper maintenance, you will be able to keep your paintbrushes in good condition for a prolonged time period. At Pentel, you will get all kinds of paintbrushes at affordable prices. You can also purchase other art supplies, such as marker for drawing, poster color, acrylic paint, oil pastels, and more from this platform.


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Megan Goh 2
Joined: 2 months ago
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