Essential Things About Trademarking A Logo – Know Right Here Now

If you are passionate about increasing your brand’s revenue generation, the best way is to have a great marketing strategy. Though you have established your brand name, an important thing that you should do to favour its growth is to trademark your brand logo.

A trademark that typically distinguishes your brand from others is necessary to identify your brand. An ideal way for this is to achieve it through online trademark registration.

What is a logo trademark?

Logo registration Trademark is an identity that preserves your intellectual property against any violation or misuse. Trademark rights give brands legal protection from those people who may tend to imitate the logo of the brand.

To put it simply, trademarking a logo ensures that your brand has legal protection and you are empowered to take any legal action if you find any business or person not infringing on your intellectual property rights.

Importance of logo trademark

If you are wondering if logo registration and trademarking it is really necessary, here we bring you some significant reasons:

✔       A trademarked logo gives your brand the essential legal rights

✔       Trademark protects your logo from your competitors and ensures that they are not capitalizing on your brand’s logo

✔       Your logo stands for your brand’s legitimacy. Through a trademark expert, you build a sense of trust among your customers.

✔       Trademarking a logo allows businesses access to attractive commercial licensing opportunities

✔       Ultimately, the logo becomes your brand’s valuable asset and can aid in the growth and success of your business.

How logo trademarks and copyrights are different?

Both trademark and Copyright cater to the same purpose. However, they differ in the way they preserve your Intellectual Property.

Copyright lawyers protects intellectual property like creative and artistic work such as music, novels, designs, paintings, visual arts, and similar non-commercial works.

Trademark preserves your right over Intellectual Property which is intended for commercial purposes. This includes logos, brand names, taglines, and slogans.

Trademark your logo

Now it is made easy with trademark registration online. Contact Muthirai and ensure your brand logo is safeguarded.

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