Everything you need to know about Root Canal Therapy

Everything you need to know about Root Canal Therapy
5 min read

Root Canal Treatment Ottawa is the dental treatment for a tooth's root canal. In layman's terms, it is the procedure of eliminating an infection from a tooth and safeguarding it from infection in the future with pharmaceutical care.

They are often seen as painful, but they also provide you with relief for the future. Because treatment takes place "within the tooth," it is also known as endodontic therapy. However, many people are unaware of the entire process, including its causes and symptoms. Let us talk about them briefly.

Symptoms of having a root canal infection

  1. Continuous Pain- If you are experiencing constant pain in your tooth, even while performing regular activities such as eating and drinking, it is time to contact your dentist. This is one of the most important components, but many individuals disregard it, and the problem worsens over time, making the healing more difficult.
  1. Discolouring teeth- Many times, our teeth begin to lose their colour. The major causes are either consumption of drinks and food items that have affected the cleanliness, making it colourless or nerve injury behind the tooth surface. And, of course, when a tooth is destroyed, the doctor must begin the procedure of extracting the affected tooth.
  1. Prolonged sensitivity- When a tooth is in contact with a hot or cold substance, it often begins to ache severely. If a simple touch causes it to experience pain for an extended period, it is most likely a damaged root problem that will not mend on its own and will worsen if the treatment is delayed.

The Treatment

A Root Canal Treatment Ottawa is usually inexpensive. It typically depends on whether one is seeking treatment at a small clinic or a large hospital. The doctor’s level of experience is another factor. The following details the treatment's methodology.

  • First, the patient receives local anesthesia while the root canal is cleaned by removing all infected dead tissue. The dentist drills a tiny hole in the tooth's surface and cleanly removes the trash.
  • The dentist then covers the canal with a rubber-like material and uses adhesive cement to shut it once it has become free from dead tissue.
  • Without the pulp, the tooth is more brittle after a filling. Therefore, the patient is always urged to refrain from chewing on the treated tooth until a crown has been placed. It essentially shields the tooth from harm.
  • After the procedure, the patient is pain-free. Sometimes, if the infection is severe or the shape of the tooth is poor, it takes longer to recover.

The Aftercare

  • It's crucial to maintain the tooth's treated area clean. To prevent any more issues, consistently brush and floss your teeth. Also, adhere to the recommended mediation.
  • Avoid using the treated teeth for chewing or eating to help the tooth heal. Additionally, choose softer meals like yogurt, soups, and eggs when you are eating.
  • Don't eat anything hot or drink anything hot just after the treatment. In addition to seriously harming the tooth, it can also make your mouth burn.
  • Utilize ice cream or cold pouches to reduce swelling. But avoid using that portion of your mouth to ingest anything because your teeth will be sensitive for a while.
  • To maintain cleanliness, prefer gargles with salty warm water. It will help prevent the infection from attacking the gum area. But remember, water should be warm, not hot.
  • If your tooth is giving you a lot of discomforts, don't ignore it. Contact your doctor right away. Additionally, be aware of any scheduled appointments.


  • Infections may continue to exist in some circumstances. Bacteria from the treatment or consuming stale food may be to blame. Pain, swelling, and even pus are common symptoms of infection. In the worst instance, the tooth would need to undergo additional treatment if the infection couldn't be treated.
  • It is critical to have a solid crown and filling. However, if the crown is not properly placed, it might result in tooth breaking and reinfection with pain and other common symptoms. Its treatment will be determined by the state of the tooth. Worst of all is the tooth extraction.
  • After the procedure, the filling material may have been displaced, resulting in nerve irritation and numbness. Contact your doctor right away if the numbness persists for more than a day.
  • If there are multiple root canals, one can be neglected in terms of cleaning or inspection. Small cracks in the tooth may lead to an incorrect filling that fractures the root. To treat it, the doctor may suggest a procedure or, as a final option, recommend a tooth extraction.

Final Overview

However, the chances of getting these complications are very low. Aside from the doctor, you are responsible for taking care of your teeth to avoid issues. It is critical to follow all of the precautions and do's after therapy. Once the therapy is completed, the patient can live a long life free of discomfort and food restrictions.

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