Spring vs Spring Boot: The Updated Comparison for 2023

Spring vs Spring Boot: The Updated Comparison for 2023
4 min read
12 January 2023

Spring and Spring Boot are components of Java for creating web Applications. Most of the time, developers use different tools for designing different projects, but while working on such projects, they need to start from scratch. However, this article will help you to understand in-depth differences and importance between spring vs Spring Boot.

What is Spring?

The Spring framework is reusable and supports java applications with various scripts and code libraries. In simple words, this framework is easier for developing java applications. 
Spring has some outstanding modules to look for: Spring Test, Spring AOP, Spring ORM, and Spring MVC. This framework improves the efficiency of the application's development and allows you to manage time while developing the applications. However, it can streamline the operations by just a few coding lines.

Importance of Spring

One of the essential frameworks is Spring for java, which helps enterprises build applications. Spring was known as the only web application for the years. Most enterprises have taken advantage of Spring to build large applications. The new features have made the development team work smoothly. Spring has its benefits compared to Spring Boot.

  • Provides layers for the development of the application
  • The modules are significantly lighter, which is established by the POJO formula
  • Allows supporting easy testing
  • Supports XML and annotation designs
  • Middleware services are among the best service of Spring.

What is Spring Boot?

For the Spring framework. Spring Boot is a wing. Allows you to build applications with zero configurations with an efficient and faster development ecosystem. Spring Boot is java based. Framework and allows making of microservice. In simple words, Spring Boot allows developers to create web applications with an inbuilt java framework.

Importance of Spring Boot 

The most important thing about spring boot is it reduces development time and avoids unnecessary configurations. Apart from this, there is some other importance to look at. Here are some.

  • Standalone applications are built with Spring Boot
  • No XML configuration is required in Spring Boot
  • Easier for developers to develop the project.
  • Makes easier to manage 
  • No need to deploy WAR files
  • Easy to customize
  • Offers production-ready features

Spring Boot is a supporter of the Spring framework, and it helps in solving complex things while creating an application. It provides strong configuration while making setup.

  Key Differences Between Spring vs Spring Boot



                 Spring Boot

Spring is a Java EE framework for developing applications.

Spring Boot framework is usually developed REST API’s

Spring framework aids loosely coupled applications

Spring Boot framework aids standalone applications

Spring applications require development descriptor

Spring boot applications don’t require development descriptors.

Spring developers require to write boilerplate code.

Spring Boot developers require a reduction in boilerplate code.

Spring needs XML configuration.

Spring Boot doesn’t need XML configuration.

Dependency injection is the key feature of spring.

In Spring Boot, Autoconfiguration is the primary feature.

In Spring, testing is difficult because of too much coding.

In Spring Boot, testing is easy just because it requires less coding.


In this article, you might have got enough knowledge about Spring vs Spring Boot; even though there will be some or the other doughts in your mind, you can write in the comments. Summing up both Spring and Spring Boot, the preferable framework is  Spring Boot, looking at all its advantages and comparison. You can Consider Spring Boot in the next project it will be a great choice. Together, you need good experts for the same. Hire java spring boot developer from the best companies.  Moreover, Spring Boot takes less time to run applications as well as it has auto-configured. 

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