Golang Web Frameworks: Best 5 Golang Web Frameworks

Golang Web Frameworks: Best 5 Golang Web Frameworks
4 min read

Whether it's about developing blazing-fast web applications that can handle loads of traffic, developing efficient REST APIs, or even letting creativity roar, these tasks have now become easier with Golang frameworks. Think about the web development opportunities it brings to the table to create a digital experience of its kind within the environment. 

However, given the immense variety of Golang web frameworks, choosing the right product in this category is not easy. This blog will be a guiding light for every coder who wants to use Golang Web Frameworks. 

What are Golang Web Frameworks? 

Golang Web Frameworks lets you write your APIs and web services directly and simply. The frameworks are not compulsory for simple applications but are crucial for developing some complicated applications. It was not that long ago when traditional software development was trending, but the use of Golang frameworks has seen a substantial boost in the strata.  

Similarly, the product owners also spared no effort to bring new frameworks as their sole intention was to develop one or the other to become better than the other. There are various reasons why Golang web frameworks help in developing web applications in 2024. They are: 

  • Static Typing 
  • Easy Syntax 
  • Faster Speed 
  • Extensive Testing Support 
  • Extensive Library of Packages 
  • Garbage Collection 
  • Interface Types 
  • Fast Development 


Top 5 Golang Web Frameworks To Build Web Applications 

Now that we have clearly understood the meaning of Golang frameworks and how they are helpful for your web application development, let's proceed further and check out the best Go web frameworks in 2024.  






  • JSON utilities 
  • Data binding 
  • Fast HTTP router 




  • MVC architecture 
  • Cache handling 
  • Automatic API docs 




  • Fast HTTP engine 
  • Low memory usage 
  • Built-In rate limiter 




  • JSON/XML support 
  • WebSockets 
  • Middleware range 




  • Request handling 
  • URL path matching 
  • Middleware support 


1. Gin/Gin-Gonic 

Web applications today require high performance, and what can be better than using the Go framework called Gin. It is 40% more efficient than Martini, another Golang framework. 
It has syntax resembling Django, and several Python libraries support it. There is also an advantage in coding in Gin because of the code reusability feature. 

GitHub Rating: 73.2K stars 

2. Beego 

Being a powerful tool, Beego is suitable for developing web apps or website backends and REST APIs with additional functions. The Beego learning is effortless and smooth once you have mastered it. Beginners might find it slightly tricky, but those with experience in Django will have an easy time using it since Beego has similarities with Django. 

GitHub Rating: 30.3K stars 

3. Fiber 

If you want a well-architected Go web framework that is not very complex but capable as well, then Fiber is an option you should consider. Express inspires it, which means if you already know that you will not feel lost. Its performance sets it apart from other frameworks because Fiber is built on the Fast HTTP engine. 

GitHub Rating: 29K stars 

4. Echo 

The fourth best Golang web framework on our list is the framework that is famous for its performance characteristics. That's why Echo is used to develop REST, JSON, web services, APIs, etc. Echo is best used either alone or integrated with other libraries. It efficiently solves the problem of installing TLS certificates; evidently, you would not be forced to struggle so much to secure your app. 

GitHub Rating: 26.9K stars 

5. Gorilla 

Gorilla is a relatively flexible but somewhat complicated platform for developing Go applications due to its CONF/CONFIG approach to Go app development. It also provides component reusability HTTP libraries and other support to the developers. It also benefits from scalability and modularity, which are some of its key features. Hence, there will never be a problem of embarking on new ways of dealing with a set of functionalities that had already been deemed obsolete. 

GitHub Rating: 19.4K stars 



As some of these Golang frameworks are designed to fill the gaps left by others, and most have similar features, choose the framework that fits the best for your Golang project as per your used case. Each framework has its unique abilities and suits different project needs. If you want to develop your website according to the new industry standards, hire experienced web app development team now!!! 

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