Effective Nail Fungus Treatment in Australia: A Path to Healthy Nails

Effective Nail Fungus Treatment in Australia: A Path to Healthy Nails
3 min read

Nail fungus, a common and often stubborn condition, affects a significant portion of the population in Australia. While it may not always be painful or immediately life-threatening, untreated nail fungus can lead to more severe health issues, making early treatment essential. In this blog, we'll explore the prevalence of nail fungus in Australia and discuss the evidence-based treatment protocol offered at The Foot and Ankle Clinic of Australia, providing you with the best chance of curing these bothersome nail infections.

Understanding the Prevalence of Nail Fungus

Fungal infections of the nails, also known as onychomycosis, are more common than you might think. These infections occur in approximately 20% of the population over the age of 60 and about 10% of those under the age of 60. While anyone can develop nail fungus, certain factors can increase the risk, including:

  • Age: Older individuals are more susceptible.
  • Diabetes: Diabetes can weaken the immune system and blood circulation, making nail fungus more likely.
  • Weakened Immune System: Conditions that compromise the immune system can increase the risk of nail fungus.
  • Humid Climates: Fungus thrives in warm, damp environments.

Nail fungus may begin as a seemingly minor concern, but it can lead to secondary infections, pain, and potential complications if left untreated. Some complications include cellulitis, a skin infection, and even more severe health conditions for those with weakened immune systems.

Evidence-Based Treatment at The Foot and Ankle Clinic of Australia

The Foot and Ankle Clinic of Australia understands the challenges and concerns associated with nail fungus. The clinic offers an evidence-based treatment protocol aimed at providing patients with the best chance of curing these troublesome nail infections.

Key elements of the treatment protocol include:

  1. Diagnosis: Accurate diagnosis is the first step. The clinic uses various methods, including microscopy and fungal cultures, to confirm the presence of nail fungus.

  2. Personalized Treatment: Every patient is unique, and the treatment approach is tailored to individual needs and the severity of the infection.

  3. Topical and Oral Medications: Depending on the case, a combination of topical and oral medications may be prescribed to target the fungus effectively.

  4. Laser Therapy: In some cases, laser therapy may be recommended to enhance the effectiveness of treatment and promote the growth of healthy nails.

  5. Ongoing Monitoring: The clinic provides ongoing monitoring to assess progress and make adjustments as necessary to ensure the best possible outcome.


Nail fungus is a common and often underestimated condition in Australia. While it may not always cause immediate discomfort, untreated nail fungus can lead to more severe health issues. The Foot and Ankle Clinic of Australia offers an evidence-based treatment protocol that provides the best chance of curing these stubborn nail infections.

If you're dealing with nail fungus, don't wait for it to become a more significant concern. Seek professional treatment to ensure the health and well-being of your nails and overall health. With the right approach, you can overcome nail fungus and enjoy healthier, happier nails once again.

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