Gifting is an art, and oftentimes it becomes very difficult for people to buy gifts for their friends, whether for their birthdays or for the holidays. Bad gifts are a dime a dozen. And sometimes, when your friend, spouse, or kid is an artist, it can be a bit difficult to think of what kind of gift would best suit them. You don't want to keep buying them the same set of pens, markers, or paints, after all.
To give you a hand in that regard, we've put together a short list of ideas that you can gift the artists in your circle.
1. Art Books
One of the things that artists can't get enough of are art books. While the internet has helped many young artists seek out and find references or inspiration for their own art, there remains something about art books that just makes them much more valuable than pixels on a screen.
A good art book by one's favorite artist, for example, can be a great source of inspiration for every creative person. Additionally, most art books also contain nuggets of wisdom from the artists themselves as they talk about their influences and their creative process. If you're stumped about what to get your artist friend for their birthday or the holidays, then, nothing beats a good art book.
2. Art Posters & Prints
Most fine arts collectors tend to buy up oil paintings and huge canvases. But a lot of artists these days are just as happy being able to collect art prints and posters from their favorite artists instead. While prints may not sell for as high a price as oil or watercolor on canvas, they still hold tremendous value both for the artist and the collector.
Prints are a good way of attaining original work for cheaper prices. They can still be framed and displayed, and they're also a good way to help support the museums and other facilities that feature these products.
If you're looking for a gift to help inspire and motivate your artist friends, then, a framed print can be just as meaningful a gift.
3. Fine Arts Calendars
If there's one thing every artist needs in order to improve their craft, it's practice. A daily practice is one of the best ways to both improve one's skills. One way a fine arts calendar can help cultivate that creative practice is as a way to track the number of days they put in the work.
Jerry Seinfeld, for example, is considered one of the most successful comedians of all time. One of the things he did to improve his writing and create better jokes is write every day. He would put up a big wall calendar on a prominent wall, grab a big red marker, and draw a big red X over each day that he did the task of writing. Once he got several days of writing down, his goal became to not break the chain of X's.
A fine arts calendar could be used as a similar tool to encourage your artist friend to keep practicing and improving their skills and their craft, while at the same time have them appreciate the work of a fellow artist.
4. Artist Tools
Last, but certainly not least, one of the best things you can gift your artist friend are the tools of their trade. Whether they create art as a hobby, do it professionally, or are just looking to get started learning and dabbling in art, a good set of pens, pencils, and markers are always a great gift to help support their creative pursuits.
Once you've got an idea on what it is you want to buy as a present for that special artist, the next step is figuring out where to buy them. A good place to start your search would be museums. Most museums carry a variety of items in their gift shops, from posters and prints to calendars, puzzles, art books, and apparel. If you're stumped on trying to find a gift, maybe now's a good time to visit your local museum.
For more information about Hokusai Art Prints and Monet Water Lilies Poster Please Visit : Museum of Fine Arts – Boston.
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