How does pest control get rid of rats?

How does pest control get rid of rats?
4 min read
02 December 2022


There are few creatures more reviled than rats. The very word "rat" is enough to make most people cringe. And with good reason – these pests can carry many diseases, including the bubonic plague. They're also known to contaminate food sources, damage property, and generally make a nuisance of themselves. For all these reasons, it's no surprise that people want to know how to get rid of rats as quickly and efficiently as possible. The good news is that there are several effective methods for pest control. In this blog post, we will explore some of the most popular methods for getting rid of rats.

What attracts rats to your home?

Rats are attracted to many things in and around homes, including food, water, and shelter.

Food: Rats are scavengers and will eat just about anything people eat. They are particularly fond of sweets, fats, and meats. Rat droppings and urine can contaminate food and surfaces in the kitchen.

Water: Rats need water to survive and will drink from toilets, sinks, pet bowls, or any other sources they can find. A leaking pipe or faucet can attract rats to your home.

Shelter: Rats like to nest in areas that are dark and quiet. They will build nests out of paper, cloth, insulation, and other materials they find inside homes.

How do pest control professionals get rid of rats?

Pest control professionals get rid of rats in a few different ways. One standard method is to use baits and traps. Baits are usually food items laced with poison, and traps snap shut when the rat steps on them, killing the rat.

Another standard method for getting rid of rats is to use ultrasonic sound waves to drive them out. This method is not harmful to the rats but can be very effective in getting them to leave an area.

Finally, some pest control professionals may also use chemicals to kill rats. This method is usually only used as a last resort, as it can be dangerous if not used properly.

What can you do to prevent rats from coming back?

You can do a few things to prevent rats from returning once they have been removed:

  1. Seal any openings or cracks that they may have used to enter your home. This includes repairing holes in walls, sealing gaps around doors and windows, and fixing any other structural damage that may provide an entry point.
  2. Remove any potential food sources that may attract them back. This means cleaning up spills and crumbs, keeping food sealed and stored correctly, and taking out the trash regularly.
  3. Ensure your property is free of clutter where rats can hide or nest.

How to know if you have a rat problem

If you have rats in your home, you may wonder how to know if you have a problem. Several signs can indicate whether or not you have a rat problem:

-You may hear rats scurrying around in your walls or attic.

-You may see rats running around inside your home.

-You may find rat droppings in your cupboards or on the floor.

-You may notice damage to your food packages or gnaw marks on furniture or baseboards.

If you suspect a rat problem, it is essential to call a pest control professional immediately. Rats can carry diseases and can cause a lot of damage to your home if left unchecked.



If you have rats in your home, getting rid of them as soon as possible is essential. Not only are they a nuisance, but they can also carry diseases that can harm humans. Pest control companies have a variety of methods for getting rid of rats, and their success will depend on the severity of the infestation. If you're dealing with a few rats, bait stations or traps may be enough to get rid of them. However, if you're dealing with a more significant infestation, you may need to call in professional help.

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