How To Be a Successful Digital Marketer And Beat Competition

How To Be a Successful Digital Marketer And Beat Competition
6 min read
1 year ago

Do you feel that your digital marketing efforts are not giving your desired results?

You may be investing lots of time and money into your digital marketing strategies, but that doesn’t guarantee you will be successful. According to the Trend Report by Coschedule, only 58% of marketers feel they are successful with their digital marketing strategies.

Certain strategies have consistently brought excellent results for marketing teams. In this article, you will learn those strategies and how to implement them to beat competition.

1. Do thorough research to align your marketing message to your prospects

Do intensive research on your target customers before starting any marketing campaign. Digital marketing strategies fail because they don’t have a clear target audience. So because they don’t know who they are talking to, their marketing message becomes vague.

 If you already have existing customers, interview them to learn more about their needs. Identify places where they hang out online. They could be spending most of their time on TikTok, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. You will know which marketing channels to prioritize when doing digital campaigns.

There are review sites where customers in your industry give feedback, such as Yelp, Trustradius, and G2. Read the reviews customers leave on such sites to get ideas on how to frame your marketing messages. For example, you can study a review left by an unhappy customer of a competitor and flip it to the positive version in your next campaign. When you present your product as a solution to your prospects’ problems, they will pay attention to your brand.

To know all the marketing trends in your industry, try scraping the web to obtain the information (you can use a proxy like this one). In doing so, you will get reviews left on different social media platforms and websites that can help you improve your marketing messages.

2. Focus on pain point content marketing  

Pain point content marketing involves creating content around the keywords your prospects use when they want to solve their problems. For example, if you were running a pet grooming products shop, your potential customers would use keywords such as “best pet grooming products” when they want to buy. 

Focus on creating content around such buyer keywords before moving to informational keywords. Produce 10X quality content compared to what your competitors create on the same topics to increase your chances of ranking higher on search engines and getting noticed by prospects.

Read this blog to learn more about pain-point content marketing.

3. Optimize your website

Your website showcases your brand 24/7. It is where your potential customers learn about your products and decide whether to buy or go to your competitor. So it should be user-friendly and show your visitors what they need to know quickly.

Make your website mobile-friendly. Most people nowadays access websites and social media platforms through smartphones. So if your site is mobile-friendly, your visitors will likely stay longer and interact with your pages. And the more they give you attention, the easier it is for them to buy your product.

Also, ensure that your website pages have a fast loading speed. Websites that load slowly drive prospects away because people are naturally impatient. They will perceive your company as inefficient and never return once they experience a slow loading page.

Make it easy for your prospects to navigate your website. When site visitors don’t know where to access your blog or pricing page, you will be losing potential customers. Place all the essential web pages on the navigation bar.

Hire a website copywriter to help you simplify your messaging so that site visitors can understand how your product will help them solve their problems.

4. Be present on relevant social media platforms

Prioritize the social media platform where most of your customers spend their time. Let’s say that you own a pet grooming product shop, and most of your customers are on Instagram. You should focus solely on Instagram and learn how to grow your presence there. 

Once you conquer Instagram, you can move to another social platform where your customers also spend their time, like Facebook.

 To succeed in social media marketing, consistently publish problem-solving content on the platforms where your customers hang out. This problem-solving content can be a video, picture, or text. Video content gets more engagement compared to any other type of content. So you can prioritize video content that shows how dog owners can groom their pets using your products.

5. Learn how to use digital marketing software

Apart from producing great content, you should learn how to use the tools used by successful digital marketers. For example, Hootsuite is a social media marketing software that can help you improve your social media ROI in many ways. Instead of manually posting, you can create multiple messages and schedule them to go live. So it saves you the time that you can use to improve other aspects of your business.

Always look for tools that can make your digital marketing campaigns successful. Here is an article showing a list of software every digital marketer should use to improve their ROI.


Succeeding in digital marketing is not as hard as it may seem. You just need to understand your product and your potential customer. This will help you identify the proper channels through which to conduct marketing campaigns and clarify your marketing message to match the needs of your prospects.

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Alex 9.8K
Joined: 4 years ago
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