Thunderstorm aftermath: How to deal with common pest problems

Thunderstorm aftermath: How to deal with common pest problems
7 min read

Are you tired of dealing with the aftermath of thunderstorms in your home? While they may be exciting to watch from indoors, these powerful storms can bring a variety of unwanted pests into our living spaces. From waterlogged basements to damp attics, it's essential to know how to tackle common pest problems that arise after thunderstorms. In this blog post, Pest Control Jarrahdale had provide you with tips and tricks on how to deal with pesky invaders such as mosquitoes, ants, and rodents so you can enjoy your home without any unwelcome guests. So buckle up and let's dive into this guide on managing pests after a thunderstorm!


Summer thunderstorms can cause a lot of damage to your home. If you have experienced a storm, you may be dealing with common pest problems. Here are some tips on how to deal with these pests: 

-If you have any holes in your walls or roof, make sure to seal them up. This will keep pests from coming inside.
-Try to keep your yard clean and free of debris. This will discourage pests from taking up residence in your yard.
-If you have standing water on your property, try to remove it as soon as possible. Standing water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes and other pests.
-If you find that pests have already made their way into your home, there are a few things you can do to get rid of them:
-Use a vacuum cleaner to suck up any insects that you see. Then, dispose of the bag immediately.
-If you have ants, try using diatomaceous earth. This is a natural product that will kill ants without harming humans or pets.
-For larger pests like rats and mice, set up traps baited with food that they like. Once the pest is caught, release it far away from your home so that it doesn't come back.

What Types of Pests Can Appear After a Thunderstorm?

After a thunderstorm, it's not uncommon to find pests in and around your home. Here are some of the most common types of pests that can appear after a storm:

1. Ants: Ants are attracted to moisture, so they're often seen after a thunderstorm. If you have an ant problem, try using baits or traps to get rid of them.

2. Cockroaches: Like ants, cockroaches are also attracted to moisture. If you see cockroaches after a storm, be sure to clean up any food or water sources that they may be attracted to.

3. Spiders: Spiders often take shelter from the rain in homes and other buildings. If you find spiders in your home after a storm, try to remove them with a vacuum cleaner or by sweeping them up with a broom.

4. Mosquitoes: Mosquitoes breed in standing water, so they're often seen after storms when flooding has occurred. To prevent mosquitoes from breeding in your yard, make sure to empty any standing water that may have collected there.

How to Identify Common Pests

Summer storms can wreak havoc on your home, and pests are often one of the first things to take advantage of the damage. Here are some tips on how to identify common pests and what you can do to get rid of them:

Carpenter bees: These bees are large and black, and they love to tunnel into wood. If you see them around your home, seal up any cracks or holes that they might be able to get into.

Mosquitoes: Mosquitoes are attracted to standing water, so after a storm, check your yard for any puddles or pooled water. Empty out anything that's holding water, and treat any remaining standing water with mosquito repellent.

Termites: Termites love moisture, so they're often drawn to homes that have been damaged by floods or storms. If you suspect that you have termites, call a pest control professional immediately.

Ticks: Ticks can be carried into your home on animals or people, and they're most active in warm weather. To prevent ticks from taking up residence in your home, keep your grass short and trim back any bushes or trees that touch your house. Regularly check yourself and your pets for ticks, and if you find one, remove it immediately.

Prevention Tips Before a Thunderstorm

Thunderstorms can bring heavy rains and high winds that can wreak havoc on your home, including inviting pests inside. To help prevent thunderstorm aftermath pest problems, follow these tips: 

-Seal any cracks or openings around the exterior of your home. This will help keep pests out.
-Remove any sources of standing water from around your property. Pests are attracted to standing water and it provides a breeding ground for many species.
-Keep food sealed and stored properly. Pests are attracted to food sources and if they find an easy way into your pantry or cupboards, they will continue to come back.
-Regularly clean your home, especially the kitchen. A clean home is less likely to attract pests and makes it easier to spot an infestation if one does occur.

How to Deal with Common Pest Problems After a Storm

After a storm, it's not uncommon for pests to become a problem. Here are some tips on how to deal with common pest problems after a storm: 

-If you have any broken windows or holes in your walls, seal them up as soon as possible. This will help keep pests out of your home.
-Check your gutters and downspouts to make sure they're clear. Clogged gutters can lead to water build-up, which can attract pests.
-Trim any branches or shrubs that are touching your house. This will help prevent pests from using them as a bridge to get into your home.
-Be sure to clean up any standing water around your property. Stagnant water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes and other insects.
-If you have food outdoors, bring it inside or store it in sealed containers. Pests are attracted to food sources, so keeping them sealed up will help deter them.


Thunderstorms can be a nuisance, but they also bring along some unwelcome guests in the form of pests. Thankfully, by following the steps above you should have no problem dealing with any pest problems that arise after a thunderstorm. From ensuring your property is secure to using natural repellents and traps, there are various ways to keep pests away from your home and protect yourself during stormy weather.


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