How to Develop a attractive web app?

How to Develop a attractive web app?
4 min read
15 September 2022

Web App | Laravel Introduction:

Laravel is an Open source web application development framework in PHP. Laravel is generated and liberated providing services for your overnight application development supporters of the model-view-controllers construction structure. Laravel is a PHP framework that can be built it's effortless for you to develop an excellent executive significant web application supporters have been demonstrating dignified structure and construction decoration.

Web App | Insertion Xampp Surroundings:

The audience is the treated board essential to install the PHP surroundings:

Download the Xampp for Windows from

How to Develop a attractive web app?

-Download the PHP 7.1.32 version, and press the download button.

-Click on the next button for the Xampp installation requirement.

Click on next for installation

-Choose the element from the Xampp screen, then click the next button.

Select the xampp installation requirement from screen element

-Choose the directory in which you want to be the installation of Xampp Server and click on the next button.

choose the directory for xampp installation

-Click on the next button for the next procedure.

How to Develop a attractive web app?

-If you want to read more theory about Xampp, then the enabled button right option, and next... automatically link will be open in a browser, otherwise, you can skip this step and click next button.

your xampp is ready for your laravel installation

-Now your Xampp server is ready for runs your project, click on the next for running the Xampp.

The xampp installation process is ready, after that the all process is complete...

-The installation process is ready now, after completing the previous steps, you will be waiting a few minutes for the installation to complete the process.

Click onto the finish after that the your xampp will be start...

-Click on the finish after that your Xampp will start.

-Choose the language.

choose the language

-After choosing the language, Press the save button.

-Now your Xampp server has been installed.

-Run the Xampp and select Apache, MySQL from Apache, and phpMyAdmin.

-Laravel will employ Composer to supervise its depends. Before using Laravel, construct you will have Composer accession on your windows.

Web App | Laravel Composer Installation:

-composer global requires "Laravel/installer"

-Assembled sure to the place composer/vendor/bin

-Directory in your path, so the Laravel will be concludable can be discovered from your system.

-When you will install the Laravel composer, the Laravel latest dominion will be generated into the partition you designate. For example, Laravel has been a new shop restraining the latest Laravel installation with all of the Laravel documentation, they already have been installed.

-Laravel's new shop

-Replacement, you may have been also instance Xampp and Laravel before issues Composer will be building a project create-project dominion in your terminal.

-Composer create-project

-If you have been accession Installed PHP Xampp Locally would you like to be PHP constructed into the web app development server to your application, you may have been utilized serve PHP artisan command. This dominion will start a web app development Xampp Server. HTTP://localhost:8080: port 80 convert to 8080.

Web App | Laravel Directory Permission:

After installation the of Laravel, you may have been exploring some of the access. The partitions within the capacity and the bootstrap(cache) directory should be inscribed by your web servers or Laravel will not be running.

Web App | Laravel Router:

A Laravel router elementary explanation depicts of application view file directory. They have been used normally to manage HTTP requests and server retaliation. Inside this article we will be seeking:

  • Basic Route Configuration
  • Route with a view files
  • Route with a Controller
  • Route to Sends a Parameter
  • Redirection routes
  • Routing methods

-Let's create a basic route...


Route::get('about us, function () {

return 'Very basic route in application - Online Web Tutor Blog';


As we know we have been 2 options attainable to maintain the application in the browser. Follow these steps.

  • PHP artisan
  • Application URL, which you are building

presuppose application has been provided by PHP artisan serve the dominion. So to be managed by the greater than route, what we have been describing.



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Hamid Mughal 105
Joined: 2 years ago
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