How to Make Dental Visits Less Scary for Kids

How to Make Dental Visits Less Scary for Kids
4 min read
01 May 2023

Nobody enjoys going to the dentist, let alone children. The thought of sharp tools poking and prodding around their mouths, combined with the intimidating atmosphere of a dental office, can be a recipe for tears and tantrums. However, dental check-ups are crucial for maintaining oral hygiene and preventing cavities, so finding ways to make the experience less scary for kids is essential. As the child perceives visiting the dentist as a good experience, they will become less fearful and even look forward to their dental exams and cleanings.

Start Young

Starting young is one of the best ways to make dental visits less scary. The earlier you introduce your child to the dental clinic here in Brampton, the less daunting it will seem to them. It's recommended that you schedule your child's first dental appointment as soon as their first tooth appears. This will help them become familiar with the surroundings and the dentist, and they'll be less likely to associate the office with negative experiences as they grow older.

Schedule a Tour

Before the actual appointment, schedule a tour of the dental office with your child. This will give them a chance to explore the surroundings and get a feel for the place. It's also an excellent opportunity to introduce them to the dental staff, including dentists and dental assistants. If your child is comfortable with the dental staff, they'll be more at ease during the appointment

Arrange for a Special Treat

Dental visits can be intimidating, but you can make them more appealing by arranging a special treat for your child after the appointment. This could be anything from a trip to the park, a favourite restaurant, or a movie night at home. By associating the dental visit with something positive, your child will be more inclined to view the experience positively.

The main thing is to avoid sweet treats like sticky candies, which stick to your teeth and are more difficult for your saliva to break down, increasing your chance of getting cavities.

Practice on a Doll

Another way to prepare your toddler for a Newmarket dental visit is to practice on a doll or stuffed animal. Pretend that the doll is the patient and demonstrate the different steps of a dental check-up, such as opening their mouth wide, counting their teeth, and cleaning them with a toothbrush. This will help your child become more familiar with the procedures and understand what to expect during the actual appointment.

Bring a Comfort Object

If your child has a favourite toy or blanket, allow them to bring it with them to the appointment. This will provide them with a sense of comfort and security during the visit, which can help ease their anxiety. Additionally, it's a good idea to dress your child in comfortable clothes and bring a favourite book or toy to keep them occupied in the waiting room.

Go With a Friend

Finally, consider taking your child's friend along for the appointment. Just like adults have companions to ease their anxieties during a medical appointment, having a familiar face around can comfort your child and make the experience less intimidating. Additionally, having a friend in the waiting room can help distract your child and make the time pass quickly. Children will look forward to visiting the dentist if they get to meet their friends.

Following these tips can help your child maintain good oral hygiene and prevent cavities without causing undue stress or anxiety. So, don't be afraid to take your child to the dentist in Sarnia. With a little preparation, you can make the experience a positive one for both you and your child.

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