Important security factors for a WordPress website

Important security factors for a WordPress website
5 min read
24 February 2023

There is no such thing as a form of security that is exclusive to WordPress; none of its plugins or themes offer this. All websites and applications have the same security flaws and vulnerabilities.

However, due to the fact that WordPress is open source and powers over 40% of the web, security issues with the platform are of significant significance. Other websites that utilize WordPress become exposed when a vulnerability is discovered in the WordPress plugins since the code is shared amongst all of the websites using WordPress.

Protect Your Website by Using HTTPS

The fact that we are going to begin by protecting the site with HTTPS was not chosen at random.

Everything that you do is transmitted across the network and individual wires. Between the browser and the server, data is transferred through HTTP as plain text. Because of this, if someone has the network access that lies between the browser and the server they will be able to view any of your data that is not encrypted.

If you don't secure your connection, you run the danger of giving attackers access to sensitive data that you've collected. If you use HTTPS, your information will be encrypted, which means that even if an attacker gains access to your network, they won't be able to obtain the information that is being delivered.

Maintaining Regular Updates for Your WordPress Theme and Plugins

You should always try to keep your WordPress theme and plugins up to date. Hackers don't have much trouble breaking ancient themes and plugins' codes. Outdated plugins might also have some security flaws that haven't been patched or some faulty database code.

A notification will be displayed in the admin area of WordPress if there is a new version of the plugin or the theme available for download. Perform the action before it is too late.

Install a Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) system

You are much more protected, as long as you use custom solutions, a safe password and a captcha on any login forms you use.

What would happen, though, if hackers accessed your website using means of surveillance and captured the password that you filled in on video?

Attackers on your website can only be stopped by using two-factor authentication if they already know your website's password.

The three examples of 2-factor authentication are, 

  • Something you know, like a password or PIN.
  • Something you have, like your ATM card, or your phone.
  • Something you are, like a fingerprint or voice print.

Moreover, some tools used for 2-factor authentication, 

  • Microsoft Authenticator 
  • Google Authentication 
  • Duo Security 
  • LastPass

Maintain consistent backups of your website

Creating a backup of your website entails copying all of the information found on the website and putting it away in a secure location. In the event that something goes wrong with the website, you will be able to restore it using the backup copy.

You will need a plugin or website redesigning in order to preserve your website. There is an abundance of high-quality backup software available nowadays. For instance, Jetpack now offers some built-in backup functions, and the monthly cost is only $3.50, making it an extremely reasonable option. Everyday backups, one-click restorations, spam filtering, and a 30-day backup archive are included in the price of this service.

Put in place a firewall for WordPress

A firewall is a web programme that, when installed on websites, monitors all incoming HTTP requests and responds accordingly. It employs complex algorithms to screen out requests that have the potential to pose a hazard.

In order to prevent requests from being processed, one can add their own rules on top of the firewall's default settings. SQL injection is one of the more common forms of cyberattacks.

Imagine that you are utilizing a WordPress theme that really is susceptible to SQL injections but you are unaware of this vulnerability. If you have a firewall in place, an attacker who is aware of a vulnerability in a plugin still won't be able to breach your website, even if the plugin in question has the vulnerability.

Put access restrictions on your website

If you are not the only person who can access your website, you should exercise extreme caution while creating new user accounts. You need to maintain complete command over everything, and you should make every effort to restrict access of any kind to individuals who don't absolutely require it.

If you have a lot of users, you might want to restrict their access to certain services and permissions. They should only be given access to the functions that are necessary for them to do the tasks associated with their employment. Email us today to know more about safety hacks and get quotes to grow your business.

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