Making Coding Easier - 25 Popular Laptop Shortcuts For Programmers

Making Coding Easier - 25 Popular Laptop Shortcuts For Programmers
9 min read

As a programmer, you want to maximize your productivity and work more efficiently. One way to achieve this is by using keyboard shortcuts instead of relying on your mouse to navigate through menus and commands. Laptop shortcuts can save you a lot of time and effort, allowing you to focus on your code and projects.

Making Coding Easier - 25 Popular Laptop Shortcuts For Programmers

Here are 25 popular laptop shortcuts for programmers that you should know

Lets have a look on popular shortcuts, which can be used on Laptops für Programmierer.

1. Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V

One of the most common shortcuts that everyone should know is Ctrl + C (copy) and Ctrl + V (paste). These shortcuts allow you to quickly duplicate and transfer code snippets or text between different parts of your program.

2. Ctrl + X and Ctrl + Z

Ctrl + X is used to cut selected text or code and remove it from the current location, while Ctrl + Z is used to undo your last action. This is useful when you want to remove a block of code or text without having to use the mouse.

3. Ctrl + F

Ctrl + F is a shortcut that allows you to quickly search for specific words or phrases within your code. This is helpful when you are trying to find a particular section of code within a long program.

4. Ctrl + Shift + T

Have you ever accidentally closed a tab in your web browser or code editor? Ctrl + Shift + T can reopen it, saving you the trouble of finding it again.

5. Ctrl + Shift + N

Ctrl + Shift + N is a shortcut that opens a new window or tab in your web browser or code editor. This is a quick way to start a new project or open a new file.

6. Ctrl + Shift + Tab and Ctrl + Tab

Ctrl + Shift + Tab allows you to switch between open tabs in reverse order, while Ctrl + Tab switches between tabs in the order they were opened. This is a useful shortcut when you have multiple files or tabs open in your code editor.

7. Ctrl + Alt + Delete

Ctrl + Alt + Delete is a shortcut that opens the Task Manager on Windows. You can use this to force quit unresponsive programs or processes. 

8. Ctrl + Shift + Esc

Ctrl + Shift + Esc is a shortcut that opens the Task Manager directly without the additional screen that appears when using Ctrl + Alt + Delete. This is a useful shortcut when you need to quickly manage processes on your computer.

9. Ctrl + Alt + Arrow keys

Ctrl + Alt + Arrow keys is a shortcut that allows you to rotate your screen orientation in Windows. This can be useful when you are presenting your work on a projector or external display.

10. Ctrl + Shift + F

Ctrl + Shift + F is a shortcut that allows you to search for specific words or phrases within all the files in a folder or directory. This is useful when you are working on a large project with many files.

11. Ctrl + Home and Ctrl + End

Ctrl + Home takes you to the beginning of a document or code file, while Ctrl + End takes you to the end. This is a useful shortcut when you want to quickly navigate to the beginning or end of a large document.

12. Ctrl + Shift + Home and Ctrl + Shift + End

Ctrl + Shift + Home selects all the text from the current position to the beginning of the document or code file, while Ctrl + Shift + End selects all the text from the current position to the end. This is a useful shortcut when you want to quickly select and manipulate a large block of text or code.

13. Ctrl + Shift + L

Ctrl + Shift + L is a shortcut that allows you to select all occurrences of a selected word.

14. Ctrl + /

Ctrl + / is a shortcut that allows you to quickly comment or uncomment a line of code. This is useful when you want to temporarily disable a section of code or add comments to explain your code.

15. Ctrl + Shift + C

Ctrl + Shift + C is a shortcut that allows you to copy the current line of code, regardless of where the cursor is positioned. This can be useful when you need to duplicate a line of code without having to select it.

16. Ctrl + Shift + D

Ctrl + Shift + D is a shortcut that allows you to duplicate the current line or selection of code. This can save you time when you need to create multiple copies of a block of code.

17. Ctrl + Shift + U

Ctrl + Shift + U is a shortcut that allows you to convert the selected text to uppercase. This can be useful when you need to quickly change the case of your text or code.

18. Ctrl + Shift + L

Ctrl + Shift + L is a shortcut that allows you to convert the selected text to lowercase. This can be useful when you need to quickly change the case of your text or code.

19. Ctrl + Shift + E

Ctrl + Shift + E is a shortcut that allows you to open the file explorer in your code editor. This can be useful when you need to quickly navigate to a specific file or folder in your project.

20. Ctrl + Shift + P

Ctrl + Shift + P is a shortcut that allows you to open the command palette in your code editor. This is a useful shortcut when you want to quickly access different commands or settings in your editor.

21. Alt + Tab

Alt + Tab is a shortcut that allows you to quickly switch between open applications or windows. This is useful when you have multiple programs or windows open and need to switch between them quickly.

22. Ctrl + Shift + S

Ctrl + Shift + S is a shortcut that allows you to save all open files in your code editor. This can be useful when you have multiple files open and need to save them all at once.

23. Ctrl + Shift + W

Ctrl + Shift + W is a shortcut that allows you to close all open windows or tabs in your web browser or code editor. This can be useful when you want to quickly close all the tabs you are no longer using.

24. Alt + F4

Alt + F4 is a shortcut that allows you to close the current window or program. This is useful when you need to quickly close a program or window.

25. Windows key + D

Windows key + D is a shortcut that allows you to quickly minimize all open windows and return to your desktop. This can be useful when you want to quickly access files or programs on your desktop.

In conclusion, knowing these laptop shortcuts can save you a lot of time and effort as a programmer. By incorporating these shortcuts into your workflow, you can work more efficiently and focus on your projects. Don't hesitate to use these shortcuts and make your programming journey smoother and faster.


Why should I use keyboard shortcuts as a programmer?

Using keyboard shortcuts can save you time and effort when navigating through your code editor or web browser. By using shortcuts, you can work more efficiently and focus on your projects.

How do I remember all these shortcuts?

It can be challenging to remember all these shortcuts at once. Try to incorporate a few shortcuts into your workflow at a time and gradually add more as you become comfortable with them. You can also print out a cheat sheet or use an app that lists shortcuts for quick reference.

Can I customize keyboard shortcuts to suit my preferences?

Yes, many code editors allow you to customize keyboard shortcuts to suit your preferences. This can be helpful if you have a specific workflow or prefer different key combinations. Check the settings or preferences menu of your editor to see if this option is available.

Additionally, you can also use third-party software to customize your keyboard shortcuts for your entire operating system. This can be useful if you want to create custom shortcuts for frequently used commands or tasks.

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