Decorating with Devil's Ivy: A Greenery Lover's Dream

Decorating with Devil's Ivy: A Greenery Lover's Dream
4 min read
19 October 2023

In the world of interior design, houseplants have become an essential element for creating inviting and aesthetically pleasing spaces. Among the myriad indoor plants available, Devil's Ivy (Epipremnum aureum) stands out as a versatile and visually striking choice. In this blog, we'll explore how decorating with Devil's Ivy can transform your home into a greenery lover's dream, offering creative ideas and tips to make the most of this beautiful, easy-to-maintain plant.

Why Devil's Ivy?

Before diving into decorating ideas, it's important to understand why Devil's Ivy has become a favourite among plant enthusiasts and interior designers alike. Also known as Pothos, Devil's Ivy possesses several characteristics that make it an ideal choice for home decor:

Low Maintenance

Devil's Ivy is incredibly resilient and thrives in a wide range of conditions. It can tolerate low light, irregular watering, and occasional neglect, making it perfect for seasoned plant lovers and beginners.

Lush Green Foliage

The heart-shaped leaves of Devil's Ivy come in various shades of green, with some varieties featuring variegated patterns. Its trailing vines add a touch of elegance and drama to any space.

Air Purification

Like many indoor plants, Devil's Ivy helps improve indoor air quality by filtering out toxins and pollutants. This enhances the aesthetic appeal of your home and contributes to a healthier living environment.

Creative Decorating Ideas with Devil's Ivy

Hanging Baskets and Planters:

One of the most popular ways to showcase Devil's Ivy is by suspending it in hanging baskets or planters. Hang them in corners, near windows, or above furniture to create a stunning visual impact. Mix and match different varieties to add depth and texture.

Devil's Ivy Wall:

Transform a plain wall into a lush vertical garden by mounting shelves or wall-mounted planters. Allow Devil's Ivy vines to cascade down the wall, creating a living work of art. This not only adds beauty but also maximises space utilisation in smaller rooms.

Terrariums and Glass Containers:

Devil's Ivy can thrive in terrariums or glass containers, making it an ideal choice for miniature indoor gardens. Combine it with other small plants, decorative stones, and fairy lights to create enchanting terrarium displays.

Room Dividers:

Use Devil's Ivy to create natural room dividers or screens. Place tall pots with Devil's Ivy on a low shelf or use a trellis to guide the vines upward. This defines different living areas and adds a touch of greenery to open-plan spaces.


Devil's Ivy can be the star of your dining or coffee table. Plant it in an eye-catching pot or container, and let the vines spill over the edges. Surround it with candles, succulents, or decorative stones for an elegant centrepiece.

Tips for Decorating with Devil's Ivy

While decorating with Devil's Ivy is relatively easy, here are some tips to ensure your greenery lover's dream comes to life:

Light Requirements

Devil's Ivy may survive in dim conditions but does best when it receives indirect sunlight. For best results, plant near a window that lets in indirect sunlight.


Leave some time between waterings for the soil to dry out. Root rot is caused by overwatering. Thus, it's safer to go underwater than to overwater.


Regularly trim the vines to maintain the desired shape and encourage bushier growth. You can propagate the cuttings to grow more Devil's Ivy plants or share them with friends.

Support for Vines

Provide support for long vines to prevent them from becoming leggy or tangled. Use stakes, trellises, or decorative supports that complement your decor.


Feed your Devil's Ivy with a balanced liquid fertiliser every few months during the growing season (spring and summer).

The Bottom Line

So, whether you have a small apartment or a spacious home, Devil's Ivy can help you turn your living space into a lush, inviting oasis. While looking for online plant nurseries in Australia to buy a healthy plant, you must consider The Jungle Collective. They have a variety of high-quality plants to choose from. 


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Ameli Smith 3
Joined: 1 year ago
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