What are the types of filters in MVC?

What are the types of filters in MVC?
7 min read

Model-View-Controller (MVC) is a widely adopted architectural pattern for developing web applications. 

One of the essential components of MVC is filters. Filters are responsible for intercepting requests and responses in an application, allowing developers to apply common functionalities and modify the application's behaviour. 

If you are searching for the most important concepts that can be asked as MVC interview questions, then you must know filters in MVC is vital to learn for cracking an interview.  

In this article, we will explore the various types of filters in MVC and how they contribute to the overall functionality and flexibility of the architecture.

What is an MVC filter?

A Model-View-Controller (MVC) filter, also known as an action filter, is a component of the MVC architecture that intercepts and modifies the behavior of requests and responses in an MVC application. 

Filters allow developers to implement cross-cutting concerns, such as logging, authorization, exception handling, or caching, in a modular and reusable manner.

In the context of MVC, a filter is a class that implements one of the filter interfaces provided by the framework. 

These interfaces include AuthorizationFilter, ActionFilter, ResultFilter, and ExceptionFilter, among others. Each interface corresponds to a specific type of filter and defines methods that are invoked at different stages of the request processing pipeline.

When a request is made to an MVC application, the filters associated with the requested controller or action method are executed in a predefined order. 

The order of execution may vary depending on the type of filter and how it is registered in the application. This allows filters to modify the request or response before or after the execution of an action method.

Filters can be applied at different levels of granularity. They can be registered globally, affecting all requests in the application, or they can be applied selectively to individual controllers or action methods. 

This flexibility allows developers to apply filters where they are most appropriate, depending on the application's specific requirements.

By utilizing MVC filters, developers can encapsulate common functionality, enforce security, handle exceptions, or modify the application's behaviour in a centralized and reusable manner. 

This approach promotes code reusability, maintainability, and separation of concerns, making developing and maintaining complex MVC applications easier.

Filters in MVC

Authorization Filters

Authorization filters are crucial in enforcing access control in an MVC application. They are used to validate whether a user is authorized to perform certain actions or access specific resources. 

These filters can be applied globally or at the controller or action level, depending on the desired level of granularity. 

By implementing authorization filters, developers can ensure that only authenticated and authorized users are granted access to the requested functionality, enhancing the application's security.

Action Filters

Action filters are used to encapsulate logic that needs to be executed before or after an action method is invoked. 

They are applied at the controller or action level, allowing developers to implement cross-cutting concerns such as logging, caching, or error handling. 

Action filters provide a clean and modular way to add functionality to specific actions without cluttering the main codebase. 

Examples of action filters include the [Authorize] filter, which restricts access to authenticated users, or the [OutputCache] filter, which caches the output of an action method for improved performance.

Result Filters

Result filters are responsible for modifying the result of an action method before it is sent back to the client. 

These filters are primarily used for post-processing tasks such as adding headers, modifying the response content, or logging. 

Result filters can be applied globally, at the controller level, or on individual action methods. 

By leveraging result filters, developers can consistently modify the response across multiple actions, ensuring a unified user experience throughout the application.

Exception Filters

Exception filters are designed to handle exceptions that occur during the execution of an action method. 

They provide a centralized mechanism to handle and process exceptions, allowing developers to customize error messages, perform logging, or redirect users to appropriate error pages. 

Exception filters can be applied globally or at the controller or action level, giving developers fine-grained control over exception handling. 

By utilizing exception filters effectively, developers can enhance the application's robustness and provide meaningful error messages to users when issues arise.

Resource Filters

Resource filters, also known as "filters with a context," are used to perform tasks that require both pre-processing and post-processing logic. 

These filters are applied globally or at the controller or action level and executed before and after an action method. 

Resource filters can be used to implement tasks such as connection pooling, setting up and tearing down resources, or modifying the behavior of action methods based on contextual information. 

Resource filters are a powerful tool to ensure consistent behavior across multiple actions while maintaining the flexibility to modify the execution flow.

While preparing for the MVC interview questions, don’t forget to prepare for filters in MVC. 

DSA Interview Questions

Preparing for data structure and algorithms is also important to crack an interview. Here are some DSA interview questions you should consider:

  • What is the difference between an array and a linked list?
  • Explain the concept of time complexity and space complexity. How do you analyze the efficiency of an algorithm?
  • What is the difference between a stack and a queue? Provide examples of real-life scenarios where you would use each.
  • What are the main characteristics of a binary search tree (BST)? How is it different from a binary tree?
  • Explain the concepts of recursion and iteration. When would you choose one over the other?
  • Describe the working principle and implementation of various sorting algorithms, such as Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, and Quick Sort.


Filters are an integral part of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, enabling developers to apply cross-cutting concerns, enforce access control, handle exceptions, and modify the behavior of an application. 

By understanding the different types of filters in MVC, developers can enhance the functionality and flexibility of their applications. 

Authorization filters provide access control, action filters handle pre and post-processing tasks, result-in filters modify the response, exception filters handle exceptions, and resource filters offer pre and post-processing capabilities. 

By leveraging these filters effectively, developers can create well-structured and maintainable applications while improving security, performance, and user experience.


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