What is Covered in Year 2 Maths?

What is Covered in Year 2 Maths?
3 min read
31 October 2023

Year 2 is an exciting time in a child's educational journey, marked by significant growth in their mathematical abilities. At this stage, students continue to build on the foundational concepts they learned in Year 1 while delving deeper into mathematics.

In this blog, we will explore what is covered in Year 2 maths, providing an overview of the key topics and skills students are expected to develop.

Number Sense and Place Value:

Year 2 begins with a focus on number sense and place value. Students learn to read and write numbers up to 100, understand the value of digits in two-digit numbers, and compare numbers using symbols like <, >, and =.

Addition and Subtraction:

Addition and subtraction become more complex in Year 2. Students practice mental math, learn different strategies for addition and subtraction, and work with regrouping (also known as carrying and borrowing) when adding or subtracting two-digit numbers.

Basic Multiplication and Division:

While multiplication and division concepts are introduced, they are often at a basic level. Students may learn how to count in multiples and solve simple multiplication and division problems.


Measurement skills are developed as students explore length, mass (weight), capacity, and time. They learn to use standard units of measurement and compare different objects based on these attributes.


Geometry topics include identifying and classifying 2D and 3D shapes, understanding symmetry, and exploring concepts like faces, edges, and vertices of geometric solids.

Data Handling:

Basic data handling skills are introduced. Students learn how to collect, organize, and represent data using charts, graphs, and tables.

Patterns and Sequences:

Students start recognizing and creating patterns and sequences, enhancing their logical thinking skills. This helps in laying the foundation for algebraic concepts in later grades.

Word Problems:

Problem-solving becomes a central focus in Year 2 maths. Students work on a variety of word problems that require them to apply their mathematical skills to real-life situations.


Money math is introduced, including recognizing coins and their values, making change, and solving basic money-related problems.


Students learn to tell time on both analog and digital clocks. They understand hours, minutes, and the concept of elapsed time.


In a basic form, students start understanding fractions by dividing shapes into equal parts and identifying simple fractions like halves and quarters.

Measurement of Length and Height:

Beyond basic measurement, students start comparing and ordering objects based on their length and height.

Problem-Solving Strategies:

Year 2 encourages students to employ various problem-solving strategies, such as drawing pictures, using manipulatives, or breaking problems into smaller parts.

Critical Thinking:

Critical thinking skills are nurtured as students explore mathematical concepts through puzzles, games, and hands-on activities.


Students begin to estimate quantities, helping them develop a sense of the approximate size or value of numbers.

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