Maximising Thermal Performance - How Testing Can Optimize Material Selection

Maximising Thermal Performance - How Testing Can Optimize Material Selection
9 min read
20 February 2023

Thermal performance is a key consideration for many homeowners, as it can help to prevent heat from escaping their homes and reduce their heating costs. It can also aid in reducing carbon emissions.

High thermal mass can be incorporated into the floor (for example, concrete slabs), walls or additions (for example, feature brick wall or reverse brick veneer construction). Water-filled containers or phase-change materials can provide high thermal mass in a lightweight form.

Thermal Conductivity

Thermal conductivity is a measure of the ability of a material to transfer heat from one surface of the material to another. It is defined as the heat energy transferred per unit of time and per unit area, divided by the temperature difference between the two surfaces.

The thermal conductivity of a material depends on its atomic structure and bonding mechanisms. For example, a polymer with a p-conjugated backbone will have higher thermal conductivity than one with aliphatic or aromatic chains.

As a result, thermophysical modeling software commonly relies on reference correlations for predicting the thermal conductivity of a fluid at a given temperature and pressure. These reference correlations are often published and may be proprietary or open-source.

For metals, thermal conductivity primarily results from the free electrons within the material and follows the Wiedemann-Franz law. This law states that as the temperature of a metal increases, the electrical conductivity decreases and therefore the thermal conductivity of the metal grows proportionally.

Similarly, the thermal conductivity of alloys is a function of the impurities in the metal, and thus also follows the same Wiedemann-Franz law. For this reason, alloys can be used to conduct heat.

The thermal conductivity of conductive materials is a useful property to determine the thermal performance of a material, and it can be a determining factor in selecting the appropriate material for a particular application. Generally speaking, a material with high thermal conductivity is suitable for a heat sink, and one with low conductivity is suitable for thermal insulation.

Thermal conductivity can be optimized by using various approaches such as testing and improving the surface wetting properties of a material. In addition, a material with a low thermal conductivity can be enhanced by increasing its thermal conductivity through chemical modification. This is typically accomplished by replacing hydrocarbon functional groups with other atomic species, which will change the atomic chemistry and improve the thermal conductivity of the material.

Thermal Mass

Thermal mass is the ability of a material to absorb, store, and release heat energy. Materials with high thermal mass can be used to even out variations in external environmental conditions, absorbing and releasing heat as temperatures rise and fall. In building design, this is useful to moderate the internal environment, stabilizing it and reducing the demand for building services systems.

High thermal mass materials can also shift the peak load of a building to off-peak times when utility rates are lower, which can result in reduced power plant demand. This can help reduce carbon emissions as well as improve the comfort of occupants, allowing them to spend more time in their buildings.

Many different types of materials have a variety of thermal property testing. These vary based on the material’s shape and its location within the building.

For example, wood has a low specific heat capacity and takes a long time to absorb heat, while concrete is very quick to absorb and release it. In addition, different materials have varying levels of thermal lag—the rate at which a material’s stored heat will be released back into space.

These differences are important to consider in material selection because they can affect how much heat a building will lose and gain during the day and at night. A well-insulated building can retain heat for longer periods of time, which can save energy and decrease heating bills.

Another useful consideration when selecting a thermal mass material is its durability and resistance to moisture. This is especially important in climates where the temperature can fluctuate a great deal, such as desert climates.

A solid, durable construction can be the best choice for a thermally massive building in most climates. For example, a rammed earth or concrete wall can resist corrosive substances, such as salt or dirt, much better than a timber frame structure, and is also more resistant to damage from wind and weather.


U-value, or the thermal transmittance of a material, is one of the key factors in determining whether it is a good choice for your building. It is a measurement of the rate at which a component, such as an external wall, window, floor, or roof, transfers heat through its thickness (W/m2K).

A well-insulated element will have a low U-value while a poorly insulated element will have a high U-value because it will be able to transfer heat more easily. The U-value takes into account the amount of heat loss through conduction, convection, and radiation.

There are a number of ways to optimize the U-value of building elements, including increasing insulation. A common strategy is to add additional layers of insulation or to use an insulating material with a higher R-value.

Adding an extra layer of insulation will improve the thermal performance of the underlying material, which may reduce energy costs by allowing less heat to be lost during the heating and cooling process. In addition, it can help to create an airtight building envelope.

In fact, reducing the amount of energy used for heating and cooling can have significant impacts on carbon emissions. The construction and building industry is often thought of as a high-carbon sector, which means that it is an excellent place to seek ways to decrease operational carbon emissions.

The best way to minimize the embodied carbon in your building is to optimize your materials. This can be done in several ways, such as by using a material with a high R-value or reducing the thickness of the underlying material. Alternatively, you can use materials with a low thermal conductivity and/or low thermal mass to reduce the overall heat flow through the structure.

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As energy efficiency has become an increasingly important concern for both builders and homeowners, the performance of building materials and components is being tested and optimized more closely. This can be particularly helpful when attempting to maximize thermal performance by examining the details of how each individual component performs on its own as well as in a dynamic system.

One of the most common technical terms related to insulation is R-value, which describes a material’s level of resistance to heat flow, and is typically expressed in F-ft2-h/Btu (m2 K/W). It is inversely proportional to the material’s thermal conductivity and thickness.

While the insulating properties of different materials vary significantly, R-value is an excellent metric for comparing how effectively various insulating systems perform in a given application. This can help builders and homeowners make informed decisions about which insulating materials to use in their next project.

However, despite the popularity of this metric, R-value has also been criticized for not being a reliable indicator of how effective insulation products are in actual use. This is because there are several factors that can contribute to a material’s thermal performance and may not be included in the R-value calculation.

The most prominent of these factors is the thickness and density of the insulating material. Thickness and density are both dependent on the manufacturing process, and they can have a significant effect on a material’s overall thermal performance.

A good way to understand the relationship between the thickness of an insulating material and its R-value is to look at it from the perspective of a circuit. Just as a series resistor in an electrical circuit can limit the current flowing through it, so can insulating materials be placed in layers to increase their R-value.

This is a relatively simple and intuitive method of evaluating how an insulating material performs over time. It can also be a great way to compare different insulating materials side-by-side without worrying about whether or not they have the same thickness or density.

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kim jes 215
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