Must-Know Machine Learning Algorithms for Data Scientists

Must-Know Machine Learning Algorithms for Data Scientists
4 min read
28 February 2023

Machine learning is the wisdom of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed. ” — Andrew Ng

Machine literacy algorithms are a pivotal part of data wisdom, allowing us to make prognostications and understand complex data sets. In this companion, we will cover the top 10 machine literacy algorithms that every data scientist should know.

  1. K- Nearest Neighbors( KNN)

KNN is a simple but important bracket algorithm that uses data point propinquity to determine class. It works by relating the K data points that are closest to the data point in question and also assigning the data point to the class that's utmost represented among those K points.

crucial features of KNN include

Easy to apply and understand

Can be used for both bracket and retrogression

Flexible, as the number of nearest neighbors( K), can be acclimated

A real-world illustration of KNN in action is in credit scoring, where it can be used to prognosticate the liability of a loan aspirant defaulting on their loan.

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  1. Decision Trees

Decision trees are a type of supervised literacy algorithm that can be used for both bracket and retrogression tasks. They work by creating a tree- a suchlike structure that splits the data into lower and lower subsets grounded on certain rules or conditions. The final splits affect prognostications or groups for each data point.

crucial features of decision trees include

Easy to understand and interpret

Can handle multiple input features

A real-world illustration of decision trees in action is in medical opinion, where they can be used to determine the most likely cause of a case’s symptoms grounded on their medical history and test results.

  1. Support Vector Machines( SVMs)

SVMs are a type of supervised literacy algorithm that can be used for both bracket and retrogression tasks. They work by changing the hyperplane in a high- dimensional space that maximally separates the different classes. Data points are also classified grounded on which side of the hyperplane they fall on.

crucial features of SVMs include

Can handle high-dimensional data

Effective in cases where there's a clear periphery of separation between classes

A real-world illustration of SVMs in action is in face recognition, where they can be used to classify different faces grounded on features similar to the shape of the eyes and nose. Machine Learning Classes in Pune

  1. Naive Bayes

Naive Bayes is a simple but important bracket algorithm that uses the Bayes theorem to make prognostications. It assumes that all input features are independent of each other, which makes it “ naive ” but also allows it to make fast and accurate prognostications.

crucial features of Naive Bayes include

Simple and easy to apply

Fast and effective

A real-world illustration of Naive Bayes in action is in spam discovery, where it can be used to classify emails as spam or not grounded on features similar to the sender, subject line, and content of the dispatch.

  1. Linear Regression

Linear retrogression is a simple and generally used statistical system for modeling the relationship between a dependent variable and one or further independent variables. It assumes that the relationship between the variables is direct, and uses this supposition to make prognostications about the dependent variable grounded on the values of the independent variables.

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crucial features of direct retrogression include

Simple and easy to apply

Can handle multiple independent variables

Can be extended to include regularization to help overfitting

A real- world illustration of direct retrogression in action is in stock price vaticination, where it can be used to model the relationship between a company’s stock price and factors similar as its earnings and request conditions.

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