How to Conduct a 96-Well Plate Mitochondrial Membrane Potential Assay

How to Conduct a 96-Well Plate Mitochondrial Membrane Potential Assay
4 min read

How to Conduct a 96-Well Plate Mitochondrial Membrane Potential Assay

How to Conduct a 96-Well Plate Mitochondrial Membrane Potential Assay

Mitochondria, often referred to as the powerhouse of the cell, play a crucial role in cellular energy production and various metabolic processes. Monitoring mitochondrial health is essential for understanding cell function and studying conditions like neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and metabolic disorders. One way to assess mitochondrial health is by measuring mitochondrial membrane potential. In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of conducting a 96-well plate mitochondrial membrane potential assay.

Understanding Mitochondrial Membrane Potential

Mitochondrial membrane potential (Δψm) is a critical parameter that reflects the electrochemical gradient across the mitochondrial inner membrane. It serves as an indicator of mitochondrial function, integrity, and cellular health. Changes in membrane potential can signify mitochondrial stress, dysfunction, or alterations in energy metabolism.

Advantages of Using a 96-Well Plate

Performing a mitochondrial membrane potential assay in a 96-well plate format offers numerous benefits:

  1. High Throughput: The 96-well plate allows you to simultaneously assess multiple samples or conditions, making it suitable for screening compounds or treatments.

  2. Sample Conservation: Smaller volumes of cells, reagents, and compounds are needed, conserving precious samples and resources.

  3. Reproducibility: Each well provides a controlled environment, ensuring consistent conditions and reducing variability across experiments.

  4. Automation Compatibility: The 96-well plate is compatible with various liquid handling systems, enabling automation and minimizing pipetting errors. This compatibility with 96 well plate templates streamlines experimental processes, enhances precision, and accelerates data acquisition in mitochondrial membrane potential assays.

Materials You'll Need

Before you begin, gather the necessary materials:

  • Cell Culture: Cells of interest cultured in appropriate medium.
  • Test Compounds: Compounds or treatments you wish to assess for their effect on mitochondrial membrane potential.
  • Mitochondrial Membrane Potential Dye: Fluorescent dyes sensitive to membrane potential changes.
  • 96-Well Plate: Suitable for fluorescence measurements.
  • Pipettes and Tips: For accurate liquid handling.
  • Microplate Reader: For fluorescence measurements.
  • Positive Control: A chemical known to alter mitochondrial membrane potential (e.g., uncoupling agents).

Step-by-Step Protocol

1. Prepare Cells

1.1. Cell Culture: Grow and maintain cells in appropriate culture conditions according to your experimental requirements.

1.2. Cell Seeding: Seed cells into the wells of the 96-well plate at an appropriate density to achieve confluence during the assay.

2. Treatments and Compounds

2.1. Test Compounds: If you're evaluating the effect of compounds on mitochondrial membrane potential, prepare the compounds in appropriate concentrations.

2.2. Positive Control: Include wells with a positive control (e.g., uncoupling agents) to validate assay sensitivity.

3. Dye Loading

3.1. Dye Preparation: Prepare the mitochondrial membrane potential dye according to the manufacturer's instructions.

3.2. Dye Loading: Add the dye to the wells containing cells and compounds. Incubate cells with the dye in a cell culture incubator for the recommended time.

4. Fluorescence Measurement

4.1. Microplate Reader Setup: Configure the microplate reader for fluorescence measurements with appropriate excitation and emission wavelengths.

4.2. Measurement: Read fluorescence intensities of each well, including untreated cells, treated cells, and positive control wells.

5. Data Analysis

5.1. Calculation: Calculate the ratio of fluorescence intensity between the red and green channels to assess mitochondrial membrane potential.

5.2. Normalization: Normalize the results to control wells and calculate the fold change if comparing multiple conditions.

Tips and Considerations

  • Cell Type: Ensure that the chosen cell type is suitable for the assay and is cultured under appropriate conditions.

  • Dye Selection: Choose a membrane potential-sensitive dye compatible with your experimental setup and microplate reader.

  • Positive Control: Including a positive control validates assay sensitivity and conditions.

  • Data Interpretation: Understand that a decrease in the ratio indicates depolarization, while an increase suggests hyperpolarization.


The 96-well plate mitochondrial membrane potential assay provides a valuable tool for assessing mitochondrial health and cellular function. By following the outlined protocol and considering the provided tips, researchers can gain insights into mitochondrial responses to various compounds, treatments, and conditions. This assay contributes to our understanding of mitochondrial dysfunction in disease and aids in the discovery of potential therapeutic interventions. Whether you're exploring the effects of drug candidates or investigating cellular physiology, the 96-well plate mitochondrial membrane potential assay is a versatile approach to unraveling the mysteries of mitochondrial function.

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