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The chang will strengthen the consumer rights and improve the discrimination and cost of the procs making it fair to the leaseholders. However, the chang could affect more sustainable revenu for invtors and developers who previously depend on leasehold revenue. Term Rentals and Vacation Hom Shops, rtaurants, fashion boutiqu, art galleri, museums: after the succs of Airbnb and other short-term rentals, many opportuniti are being offer to citi. Issu and debat emerge when city councils seek to addrs how to allow short-term us while at the same time ensure the effects do not compromise on the availability of housing stock and the identity of downtown neighbourhoods.  In particular, the obligation to adhere to the regulations is necsary for property. Some of the factors necsary for succs in short-term lettings include knowlge about availability by seasons and how to price yourself competitively without sacrificing your net margin, or knowlge about certain marketing approach that work well for the busins.

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