PTE Reading Fill in the blanks

PTE reading fill in the blanks, also known as PTE fill in the blanks or PTE reading and writing fill in the blanks, is a specific task within the PTE reading section. Here, you'll encounter a passage with several blanks. Your job is to select the most appropriate words from a provided list to accurately complete the meaning and flow of the text. This task assesses your ability to:

  • Grasp the overall theme and purpose of a passage 
  • Understand vocabulary and its appropriate usage within the context 
  • Identify grammatical structures and their role in sentence construction 
  • Apply critical thinking skills to choose the most fitting words 

How Does PTE Reading Fill in the Blanks Work?

The PTE reading fill in the blanks task typically presents a passage of around 300 words containing 3-5 blanks. Below the passage, you'll find a list of 6-8 words, some of which may be distractors (incorrect choices). Your goal is to analyze the passage, understand the context around each blank, and choose the single best word from the list that seamlessly completes the meaning of the sentence.

Understanding the Task:

  • Passage Length and Blanks: You'll typically encounter a reading passage between 250-300 words with 3-5 blanks. These blanks are strategically placed to test your comprehension of key points and overall meaning.
  • Answer Options: Below the passage, you'll find 6-8 answer choices. These include a mix of relevant and irrelevant words (distractors). Be mindful that not all options will fit grammatically or logically.

Approaching the Task:

  1. Skimming for Context: Before diving into the blanks, skim the entire passage to grasp the main idea and identify the topic. This provides a strong foundation for understanding the context surrounding each blank.
  2. Analyzing Each Blank: Now, focus on the first blank. Read the sentence surrounding the blank carefully. Look for clues such as surrounding words, verb tenses, and sentence structure.
  3. Selecting the Best Answer: Carefully evaluate each answer choice based on the context of the sentence and the passage as a whole. Choose the word that best fits grammatically and completes the meaning logically. Eliminate any options that seem irrelevant or grammatically incorrect.
  4. Moving On: If you're stuck on a particular blank, don't waste excessive time. Move on to the next one and come back later if time permits. Completing all the blanks you can is crucial.
  5. Review and Revise: Once you've filled in all the blanks, go back and skim the passage again to ensure everything flows smoothly and makes sense coherently.

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