Security Principles an overview for containers

Security Principles an overview for containers
3 min read
Security Principles an overview for containers

Today we will explore the principles of security defense in depth principle that are widely recognized as practices regardless of the specific security requirements, at hand.

1. Principle of Least Privilege
Security Principles an overview for containers

The principle of least privilege promotes the idea of limiting access to only what’s absolutely necessary for an entity or individual to perform their designated tasks. For example in an ecommerce application that utilizes microservices, a service responsible for product searches should have read access to the product database. It should not be granted permissions to access user or payment data. Should it have the ability to modify product information. It is crucial to assign sets of privileges tailored for different containers in order to fulfill their intended functions.

2. Defense in Depth
Defense in Depth

As we delve into this discussion you will discover techniques that can enhance the security of your deployment and the applications running within it. The defense, in depth principle emphasizes implementing layers of security. In case one layer is breached by an attacker subsequent layers act as barriers to prevent any harm from reaching your deployment or unauthorized extraction of data. Containers offer a layer where security measures can be applied to strengthen your systems defenses.

3.Reducing the Vulnerability
Reducing the Vulnerability

In general the complex a system is, the more susceptible it becomes to attacks. Simplifying a system can significantly enhance its resilience, against threats. This can be achieved through strategies, including :-

Maintaining straightforward interfaces to restrict access points whenever possible.
Carefully controlling user and component access to specific services.
Reducing the amount of code used.
Breaking down a system into more manageable microservices.
This approach establishes interfaces. Potentially reduces complexity thus minimizing the opportunities for attacks. However it’s important to note that introducing an orchestration layer for container coordination may introduce a potential avenue for attacks.

4. Limiting the Impact Area
Limiting the Impact Area

Creating subcomponents or “cells” to segregate security controls is a practical strategy for confining the impact in case of a security breach. Containers are particularly well suited for this approach because breaking down an architecture into microservice instances allows each container to act as a security boundary. In the event of a compromise within one containerized application security controls can effectively contain the attack, within that container preventing it from affecting the system.

5. Segregating Duties
Segregating Duties

Closely tied to the ideas of granting privileges and minimizing the impact of a security breach is the concept of dividing responsibilities. This means ensuring that different components or individuals only have control, over a portion of the system that is necessary for their specific roles. By following this approach we can significantly reduce the harm caused by an user with extensive privileges. We can restrict permissions and credentials to those containers that genuinely require them thus preventing a breach of one set of secrets from compromising all data.

Overall, these security principles, including Secrets in Containers, serve as the foundation for security practices, providing guidance in protecting your systems, applications, and data from various threats and vulnerabilities.

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Aman Dubey 2
Joined: 9 months ago
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