The use of a Selenite slab is a reliable and quick method to cleanse crystals and stones. Whether utilizing stones and crystals in healing, programming and healing, lighting (gemstone divination) or grid work by placing stones on a crystal Selenite slab, for even some hours, is an excellent method of clearing them and replenishing their energy. Selenite is one of a very few minerals with these specific metaphysical capabilities/properties.
Then again, not only is Selenite useful for clearing undesirable or negative energies out of stone and crystals, it is also able for clearing ritual and sacred tools, jewelry and tarot cards as well as the surroundings (In addition to a multitude of metaphysical properties, Selenite has a calming and uplifting quality , similar to Fluorite . )!
Selenite is made up from the lightest elements (calcium as well as sodium) that vibrate with a very high frequency. It's the ideal tool to use for lighting work. In addition, it is a natural form of fiber optics, which makes it very effective in transmitting white light, and colored light.
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Selenite Crystal form of Gypsum is known as this. The gorgeous Satin-Spar variety of Gypsum is bright white, opaque, and has a light refractive (light shimmers on its surface). Gem-Ice is crystal clear and is able to absorb light as well as emit light. Both varieties are extremely energetic as well as versatile. This makes Selenite an ideal tool for usage in crystal-based work. Selenite will never require to be cleared. The crystal is self-clearing as well as self-charging. Sometimes, it can enjoy an evening respite under the light of the full moon. wholesale crystals online However, it is required to be returned in the morning, to make sure that the moon is not her companion. Selenite isn't recommended to remain near liquids. It's water-soluble and will dissolve very quickly.
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