The use of a Selenite slab is an effective and timesaving way to clear stones and crystals. Whatever the reason, whether using crystals or stones for healing, programming the body, psychic readings, lithomancy (gemstone divination), or grid work, placing stones on a crystal Selenite slab for even a few hours is a wonderful method for clearing and recharging their energy. Selenite is one of a very few minerals with these specific metaphysical capabilities/properties.
Not only is Selenite beneficial in removing harmful or undesirable energies off stone and crystals, it also can be used to effectively clear ritual and ceremony tools, jewelry or tarot decks, and even the surrounding environment (In in addition to having a variety of metaphysical properties, Selenite has a calming and uplifting quality similar to Fluorite . )!
Selenite is composed from the lightest elements (calcium as well as sodium) which vibrates at a high frequency. This makes it the ideal tool to use for lightwork. Also, it is a natural fiber optic which can be particularly helpful in transmitting colored and white light.
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Selenite A crystal type of Gypsum is the name given to it. Satin-Spar is an attractive clear, transparent and light refractive form. It sparkles when light shines when it is placed on the surface. best crystals wholesale The Gem-Ice variety is clear, allowing it to absorption and emission of light. Both are extremely powerful as well as versatile. This makes Selenite an excellent tool to use in crystalwork. Selenite does not ever need to be cleaned. It is self-clearing, and self-charging. The crystal can occasionally get moments of respite during the glow that is the moon's full. But, it has to be taken inside before dawn to ensure the moon isn't an associated. Also, it is important to note that Selenite is not to be put within or close proximity to liquid, as it is water-soluble, and can dissolve with the course of.
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