Home Sweet Home? Not with Possums Invading Your Space

Home Sweet Home? Not with Possums Invading Your Space
3 min read

The idyllic concept of 'Home Sweet Home' takes a dramatic turn when uninvited guests, particularly possums, decide to share your living space. While possums play a crucial role in our ecosystem, controlling pests and cleaning up dead animals and rotting fruit, their presence in our homes can be less than welcome. Possum Removal Kensington blog post delves into the challenges homeowners face with possum invasions, effective prevention strategies, and humane removal methods.

Understanding Possums

Before we discuss prevention and removal, it's essential to understand possums. These nocturnal creatures are generally harmless and prefer to avoid human interaction. However, they are attracted to urban areas by the abundance of food, water, and shelter. Once possums find a comfortable spot, they can become permanent residents, leading to potential problems for homeowners.

The Challenges of Possum Invasions

Possums can cause several issues when they take up residence in human habitats:

  • Noise and Disturbance: Possums are nocturnal, so they can create a lot of noise at night, disturbing the peace of your home.
  • Damage to Property: They can damage gardens, roofs, and walls as they search for food and nesting spots.
  • Health Risks: Possums can carry diseases and parasites that can be transmitted to humans and pets.
  • Odor: Their droppings and the scent marking can lead to unpleasant odors.

Prevention Strategies

The best approach to managing possums is prevention. Here are some effective strategies:

  • Secure Food Sources: Ensure garbage bins are tightly sealed, and pet food is not left outside overnight.
  • Garden Management: Use possum deterrents around gardens, such as motion-activated sprinklers or lights.
  • Block Entry Points: Regularly inspect your home for holes or gaps in the roof, eaves, and under the house. Seal any potential entry points to prevent possums from setting up home.
  • Trim Trees and Shrubs: Keep trees and shrubs trimmed back from your house to eliminate easy access routes.

Humane Removal Methods

If prevention fails and possums make themselves at home, consider humane removal methods:

  • Professional Removal: Hiring a wildlife professional ensures the safe and humane removal of possums from your property.
  • Relocation: Some regions allow the relocation of possums. It's crucial to check local wildlife laws and regulations before attempting relocation.
  • Use of Repellents: Non-toxic repellents can discourage possums from staying. However, these should be used as a temporary solution while working on a long-term prevention strategy.


While possums are an essential part of our ecosystem, their presence in our homes can be challenging. By understanding these creatures, implementing effective prevention strategies, and employing humane removal methods, homeowners can reclaim their 'Home Sweet Home' from these uninvited guests. Remember, coexistence with our wildlife neighbors is possible with the right approach and a little patience.

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Jaison Smith 2
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