Start your Wisdom Teeth Treatment and Remove your Discomfort

Start your Wisdom Teeth Treatment and Remove your Discomfort
1 min read

Impacted wisdom teeth can cause pain and infection Smile Nambour will give you relief from toothdiscomfort and tells you causes, preventions and makes you suffer less wisdom teeth pain and discomfort

Wisdom Teeth Removal In Nambour

If your wisdom tooth doesn’t cause you any pain, it means that the tooth has broken through the gum line properly and can develop without causing any dental problems.

However, this is not the case for some individuals. If there is not enough room for the tooth to grow, it can lead to impacted wisdom teeth.

Impacted wisdom teeth can cause pain and infection because of their poor position in your mouth. This can lead to:

  • Pain and discomfort
  • Infections in the overlying gum
  • Damage to the adjacent tooth of the impacted tooth
  • Problems to previous orthodontic treatment
  • Difficulty in cleaning the back teeth, which may cause tooth decay and gum disease

As part of your dental visit, your dentist at Smiles Nambour will examine you to see if your wisdom teeth are free of potential problems and are in healthy condition and proper position.

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suruchi Ranjan 2
Joined: 3 months ago
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