Understanding Amazon Policy Violations: Expiration Dates, Related Accounts, Dropshipping, and Restricted Products

Understanding Amazon Policy Violations: Expiration Dates, Related Accounts, Dropshipping, and Restricted Products
3 min read

As an Amazon seller, adhering to Amazon's policies is crucial to maintaining a healthy account and avoiding violations that could disrupt your business. In this blog, we'll explore common violations, including Amazon Expiration Date Violation, Amazon Related Account Violations, Amazon Dropshipping Violations, and Amazon Restricted Product Violation. Understanding these issues will help you stay compliant and protect your Amazon seller account.

Amazon Expiration Date Violation

When a seller sells items with expiry dates that are either too near or have already passed, it is considered an Amazon expiration date violation. This kind of infraction is especially widespread when it comes to perishable commodities like cosmetics, food, and supplements. For customers to obtain fresh and useful commodities, Amazon mandates that products with expiration dates have enough time before they expire.

Amazon Related Account Violation

Amazon has strict policies against operating multiple seller accounts without prior approval. An Amazon Related Account Violation can occur if Amazon detects that you have more than one account, potentially leading to account suspension. This policy aims to prevent unfair competition and ensure a level playing field for all sellers.

Amazon Dropshipping Violation

Amazon allows dropshipping, but only under specific conditions. An Amazon Dropshipping Violation happens when a seller fails to comply with these conditions, such as using a third party to fulfill orders directly to customers without being the seller of record on the packing slips or invoices. Amazon requires that you be the seller of record and that all packing slips, invoices, and external packaging reflect your information.

Amazon Restricted Product Violation

Amazon limits the selling of specific items to ensure customer welfare and uphold legal requirements. An Amazon Restricted Product Violation takes place when a seller uploads items on the platform that are prohibited or limited. This may involve dangerous substances, fake items, or products needing specific authorization.

Staying Compliant with Amazon Policies

To continue operating a profitable and long-lasting company on Amazon, one must abide by its regulations. You may prevent expensive infractions and guarantee a seamless selling experience by being aware of and abiding by the rules regarding expiry dates, linked accounts, dropshipping, and banned items.

NAW Protect provides professional services to help you stay compliant and safeguard your Amazon seller account if you require help interpreting Amazon's standards or handling any infractions. For further details and assistance, go to NAW Protect.

You may safeguard your Amazon company and concentrate on expansion and achievement by being vigilant and knowledgeable.

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