Telehealth, and its subset telemedicine, is the application of technology to enable healthcare practitioners to remotely monitor a patient's health condition and provide the requisite healthcare services.
Such technology could aid in the diagnosis and treatment of a disorder. The primary objectives of employing this virtual telehealth technology are to improve patients' healthcare access, decrease the occurrence of clinical appointments, and lower clinical expenditures.
How is Telehealth Instrumental in Enhancing Patient Experience?
Virtually engaging with telemedicine providers implies no longer commuting waiting time for brief, vital assessments for patients with limited mobility.
According to prior research, patients who participate in virtual health checkups and screenings feel more content with the holistic medical care they receive and prefer the convenience of receiving care from their homes.
Because of the prevailing risk of spread of Covid-19, clinics and other healthcare facilities have already started to invest in their virtual healthcare infrastructure to deliver the best telemedicine services in the form of online appointments and health management sessions.
Thanks to the optimistic response from patients, many healthcare settings are getting themselves ready to continue delivering virtual medical care services even after the Covid issue gets resolved.
Example: Harnessing Telehealth Technology for MND
The ongoing transition to remote patient monitoring for MND has emphasized the need for patient-reported outcome metrics that are accurate and credible.
Patients are requested to take the ALSFRS-R (an extensively used evaluation tool used to quantify the course of MND) every two weeks, which has produced persistent natural history data at numerous intervals from a diverse group of patients.
The data analysis could provide a more comprehensive portrayal of the natural history of MND, as well as allow for an assessment of patients' medical needs and the performance of the service facilities.
Timely detection and management of respiratory dysfunction progression are crucial to providing optimal care to patients with MND. Routine clinical checkups are problematic for many individuals suffering from the disease, therefore remote monitoring is required for health professionals to assess and evaluate well-being.
Medical researchers are working towards determining the efficacy of virtual cough monitoring for managing bulbar and breathing dysfunction in MND. They are also evaluating the implications of telemedicine occupational therapy (OT) services for persons with MND.
WalkInVirtualClinics is a great virtual care platform for patients where they can hopefully find an expert online doctor in BC. So don't delay any further and connect with our compassionate team to reclaim control of your health.
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