Venture Capital. Thoughts and Much Less. - Rami Beracha
5 min read
30 September 2022
רמי ברכה
It's a huge problem that people do not understand. It's almost like an open-air minefield. It starts a second after the first contact with another person and comes to an end with a spectacular explosion...
The biggest error we make is always taking for granted that there is a complete alignment of expectations for both sides. We don't want to get inside our partner's mind to find the expectations he has. We are almost always fully in agreement with our counterpart, minus one thing that he does not overlook the chance to widen this expectation gap . And we don't need anyone to alert us of the upcoming conflict.
רמי ברכה
There are many sources of miscommunications and they are mostly caused by our personalities. Individuals with squares are likely to confuse those who are liberal, while people who are aggressive may have a hard time aligning expectations with passive ones. But this is easy to identify - we all know that liberal is squared, and aggressive from passive.
רמי ברכה
But what if they are totally different? Imagine if there's a personality gap. There is no one who has noticed it or warned anyone else about it, or investigated it...NOT FREUD! !
רמי ברכה
Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to present to you a different type of personality The FULL and HALF CIRCLE personalities! !
Note: A behavior guideline when reading the next analysis, attempt to determine which personality define you the best, and at the same time attempt to determine which one of your friends is. If you find that you're different types - like Bono says, "we can be one however we are not the same" You should be very content as you might have found the reason behind the differences between you. If you're of the same type as me, I'm sorry, but I can't help with understanding why your relationships seem awfully poor.
Now we are...
Humans can be classified into two groups. Some of us fall into the "full-circle" category, which is an individual who is totally independent and doesn't believe that he needs a partner. Sure, he's required to be with someone, and he's looking for one. Absolutely! It's all true ... But, he can't live without his dream partner until he finds one. When he finds his ideal partner and is ready to spend his entire life with his - hopefully full circle of friends.
רמי ברכה
The "half of a circle" people on the other side have a partner. When they discover the awful creature and they are unable to give up! They'll try to physically integrate with their victim to form a happy circle... and do not give them the pleasure of living shoulder-to-shoulder! They'll not be compromising on being able to stare at each with each other for the rest of their lives. Nothing less intimate can give them the desire to connect with another half and create a whole.
A fascinating observation about these two types: the decision to let a relationship go. The whole circle is likely to get rid of a partner who is losing their connection quickly. The half-circle's on the other hand will redefine the concept of 'having chemistry' with their partners to be: 'I'm holding onto this B..ST..RD. until I am able to replace him correctly'.
Imagine the amazing dance that takes place when two people in a "half" and "full" circle try to make each other their partner. They are not aware of their distinctions. The Half makes two leaps forward, far away from the safety space of the Full, who considers this sudden invasion of his personal space too scary. So he fixes this zone-invasion-problem by making a gentle step backward. The problem is that he took half of his comfortable zone .... and while the Half was convinced that the Full made an innocent error and the Full was sure of it, the Half gets frustrated and takes another step forward. They are aware of the reason, but due to in the absence of a proper term and the inability to properly describe their plight and turn to the wrong direction! They could have saved their own lives being aware that one is Half and the other one is Full.
רמי ברכה
While there's no one conclusion, there are options you could do.
1. Find out who you are
2. Find out who your partner is
3. Recognize that there's a significant distinction.
Rami Beracha
3. Respect this difference!
One thing to remember is to live and enjoy life.
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