7 Best Traditional Evil Eye Tattoo Ideas In 2023

7 Best Traditional Evil Eye Tattoo Ideas In 2023
6 min read

An evil eye tattoo is a design that depicts the symbol of the evil eye, which is a belief held in various cultures that a malevolent stare or glance can bring about misfortune, injury, or bad luck to the person being targeted. 

Therefore, read this post till the end to learn about seven great traditional evil eye tattoo ideas that you can get inked in 2023!

Why Do People Get Traditional Evil Eye Tattoos?

The evil eye tattoo is often depicted as an eye-shaped amulet or talisman and is believed to protect against these negative energies. In the context of a tattoo, the evil eye symbol is permanently inked onto a person's body.

People choose to get an evil eye traditional tattoo for various reasons rooted in cultural, spiritual, and personal beliefs. Here are some reasons why individuals might wish to get an evil eye tattoo:

1. Protection

The most common traditional eye tattoo meaning is the belief in its protective qualities. Many cultures consider the evil eye symbol as a form of protection against jealousy, envy, and negative energies. By having the symbol as a tattoo, people hope to ward off ill will and negative influences in their lives.

2. Cultural Significance

In cultures where the belief in the evil eye is prevalent, getting a traditional evil eye tattoo can be a way to connect with one's cultural heritage and traditions. It serves as a reminder of the importance of protection against negativity within the cultural context.

3. Spiritual Beliefs

Some individuals with spiritual beliefs or those who follow certain belief systems, such as mysticism or the occult, may get an evil eye tattoo as a symbol of spiritual protection. They believe it helps in deflecting negative energies and promoting spiritual well-being.

4. Fashion And Aesthetics

Apart from its cultural and spiritual significance, some people choose an evil eye tattoo simply for its aesthetic appeal. The intricate and eye-catching design of the evil eye symbol can be visually appealing, making it a popular choice for those looking for unique and meaningful tattoo designs.

5. Personal Beliefs

Some individuals may have personal experiences or beliefs related to the evil eye and its power. Getting the symbol as a tattoo can serve as a personal affirmation of these beliefs, providing a sense of security and peace of mind.

Best Traditional Evil Eye Tattoo Ideas Of 2023

7 Best Traditional Evil Eye Tattoo Ideas In 2023

Here are seven creative and traditional evil eye tattoo ideas, each explained in detail:

1. Simple Traditional Evil Eye Amulet

It is a classic design featuring a single eye surrounded by vibrant blue hues, symbolizing protection and warding off negative energies. The eye can be intricately detailed, with lashes and a blue iris, while the surrounding colors can blend from light to dark blue, creating a captivating gradient effect.

2. Hamsa Hand With Evil Eye

Combine the evil eye with the Hamsa hand, a symbol of protection and good fortune in many cultures. The Hamsa hand is often depicted with an eye in the center, adding an extra layer of protection against the evil eye. The design can be ornate, incorporating intricate patterns and delicate shading for a visually stunning effect.

3. Lotus Flower With Evil Eye Center

Blend the purity and enlightenment associated with the lotus flower with the protective qualities of the evil eye. The lotus can be drawn in soft, pastel colors, with the evil eye symbol placed at its center. This design signifies spiritual enlightenment and protection against negative influences, encapsulating a sense of balance and harmony.

4. Galaxy Evil Eye

Create a mystical and cosmic vibe by incorporating the evil eye into a galaxy-themed tattoo. Imagine a vibrant, swirling galaxy background with the eye in the center, representing the universe's watchful gaze. You can add stars, planets, and nebulae to enhance the cosmic feel, symbolizing protection against negative forces from the vastness of space.

5. Geometric Evil Eye Mandala

Combine sacred geometry with the evil eye to create an intricate mandala design. Use geometric shapes like circles, triangles, and hexagons to form a mandala, with the evil eye as its focal point. Geometric patterns symbolize harmony and balance, while the evil eye adds a protective element, making this tattoo design visually captivating and meaningful.

6. Abstract Evil Eye

Embrace abstract art by getting a traditional evil eye tattoo with a contemporary twist. Play with abstract shapes and bold lines to create an eye-catching, avant-garde design. The eye can be fragmented into geometric elements or distorted into abstract forms, symbolizing the complexity of protection against negative energies.

7. Animal-Inspired Evil Eye

Infuse creativity by incorporating animal features into the evil eye design. For example, you can create a feline evil eye with cat-like slits and whiskers, symbolizing intuition and mystery. Alternatively, an owl-inspired evil eye can convey wisdom and insight. Blend the animal characteristics seamlessly with the traditional evil eye symbol for a unique and meaningful tattoo.


It's important to note that the meaning and significance of a traditional evil eye tattoo can vary widely based on cultural and individual interpretations. Before getting any tattoo, it's advisable to thoroughly research the cultural and symbolic meanings associated with the design and ensure it aligns with your beliefs and values.

Remember, when getting a traditional evil eye tattoo, it's essential to consult with a skilled tattoo artist who can bring your ideas to life and customize the design according to your preferences.

For more info Visit our website: pluslifestyles.com

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