Why Collagen Face Masks are Instagram's Latest Beauty Obsession

Why Collagen Face Masks are Instagram's Latest Beauty Obsession
4 min read

A couple of months ago, I chanced upon an ad on collagen face mask. Imagine a beauty influencer tapping on what looked like paper strips on her cheeks, and then they disappear into her skin. Naturally, I thought the beauty industry was going cuckoo. Paper strips that dissolve into your skin to make it look fuller? LOL. Two months later, the same collagen face mask was all over the place: TikTok, YouTube, Instagram - you name it, they are there. My influencer friends are considering it their next favourite product alongside gel masks. 

Now, being a part of Gen Z, it is in our slightly addictive nature to always be on track with the latest trends. So I bought this invisible collagen face mask! After trying these melting collagen strips, I can assure you that, yes, they work! Now, let's get into it and discover what's so thrilling in these strips.

What's All This Collagen Hype About?

What's up with the collagen craze? Let me fill you in.

Collagen is an anti-ageing protein. Does that clear it up for you? No? Okay, let me simplify. So what's the big deal about collagen, and what does this have to do with anything I just said?

  • Enhances your skin's radiance
  • Keeps your skin young
  • Keeps skin elastic and supple
  • Delays the signs of aging: Wrinkles, saggy skin, fine lines? Not on collagen's watch.
  • Reduces dullness

But wait, there's more! Collagen does not only serve as a boon to your skin, but it also leads the general functional track for your entire body, such as joint health, muscle strength, bone health, function of blood vessels, and generally just being well. It's one of the most valuable players of proteins.

So now you get why collagen is the rockstar of proteins; we can get back to these mystical melting collagen strips that everyone is abuzz about.

I have recently bought an invisible collagen mask from an Indian brand. This product seems to be boasting hydrolyzed collagen from New Zealand because, well, apparently, kiwis have the secret to eternal youth. This mask uses Korean technology for instant collagen absorption. Fancy. In addition to collagen, it contains Sodium Hyaluronate (for hydration) and Peptides (for anti-aging). This mask supposedly functions with collagen 150% better and hydrates at 10 times the rate while also keeping moisture five times longer. If that doesn't sound like a superhero skincare product, I don't know what does. This same brand sells intensive gel mask made from red wine extracts and Paris-based ingredients and that one too works so well for instant radiance! 

How to Use It

Here's the lowdown: an anti-aging toner comes with the mask. Mist the toner on your face, peel off the melting collagen strips, and lay them flat. In about 10–15 minutes, they dissolve into your skin, leaving you dewy and glowy with some plumped-up severe cheeks, sort of like magic, but from science.

My Experience

I am impressed indeed! My skin has picked up a glow and seems very well-hydrated. Regularly using this helps smooth wrinkles and saggy skin by firming it up with collagen. And oh, the best part: no allergic reactions! So, thumbs up for this collagen face mask from me.

With immediate results like this from melting collagen strips, it is no surprise that all influencers are making a great fuss over collagen face masks. They function beautifully for hydration, anti-ageing, and giving radiance to your skin. So, have you tried them already, or do you need even further convincing? Get on the collagen train; your skin will thank you later. Also, make sure you add intensive gel masks as well to your skincare regime for enhancing your natural youthful radiance.

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Lucky Jack 2
Joined: 5 months ago
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