Before we start we have to understand What is Swift and What is SwiftUi?
Swift is a programming language while SwiftUI is a basic framework.
Swift is a Set of instructions for a computer or computing device to perform specific tasks. It provides the platform to execute the program in the ios platform. Swift has followed the oops(Object Oriented Programming) concepts as well Protocol oriented.
Oops, concepts :
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Abstraction
- Encapsulation
1. Inheritance:-
One class abstract the functionality of the other class it’s called Inheritance.
2. Polymorphism:-
There are two types: Method Overloading, Method Overriding.
1. Method OverLoading:-
Same name but a different signature in the same class it’s called Method OverLoading.
2. Method Overriding:-
The same name and same signature and maintaining the parent-child relationship are called Method Overriding.
3. Abstraction:-
Classes that contain abstract and nonabstract methods that will be implemented in the child class are called abstractions.
4. Encapsulation:-
Binding the data into one class it’s called Encapsulation.
Swift has added more functionality like option chaining, option binding, generics, and tuple type functionality provided to reduce the code and improved the code quality. Swift is easy to learn and provide different type of Design module MVC, MVVM, adaptive, etc
So, developers can follow the design pattern and easily write the code based on the requirement.swift provides simplicity to developers for writing the code.
SwiftUI is a framework in programming that provides ready-made components or solutions that are customized in order to speed up development. A framework may include a library but is defined by the principle of inversion of control. With traditional programming, the custom code calls into the library to access reusable code. With IoC, the framework calls on custom pieces of code when necessary.
SwiftUI has divided the view into the window, so, It’s easily handled by the developer. Also, it’s a struct-oriented pass-by-value, so it’s so simple.
SwiftUI works on the component that will be provided by the framework. We don’t want to write the code like in Swift and also remove the storyboard and .xib.You don’t want to take the headache of the constraints in the storyboard.
SwiftUi uses UIRepresentable protocol instead of the UIkit so, it’s easy to write and easy to handle the view.SwiftUI is mainly protocol-oriented. So, it’s divided into so small parts.
We don’t want to remember the delegate method of UitableView and UicollectionView instead of just listview work in SwiftUI.
We can access the Swift language also in SwiftUI.SwiftUI makes it a very easy component like date picker, picker view, label, text field, etc.
Swift is Class oriented whereas SwiftUI is purely structure oriented.
SwiftUI is a framework so it’s better from the developer perspective because of minimum input and maximum output. also easy to understand and provide a protocol to execute faster. Where swift is a language so, this type of functionality didn’t get.
Compared to Swift, SwiftUI can help developers save time and reduce code complexity, resulting in faster development and easier maintenance of the codebase. Additionally, SwiftUI integrates seamlessly with other Apple technologies, such as Core Data and CloudKit, making it an ideal choice for iOS app development. Overall, SwiftUI offers a more modern and efficient approach to building iOS user interfaces, and it is rapidly gaining popularity among developers.
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