

3 years ago · 109 ·

i added to my adsense account but it shows "We couldn’t find the code on your site". How to fix this issues

Question answers (3)

Wait until AdSense automatically discover your code on this website and give you the option to add in to your AdSense account

If you've added to your AdSense account, but it shows the error "We couldn't find the code on your site," there might be a couple of reasons causing this issue. First, ensure that you have correctly copied and pasted the AdSense code provided by Google onto your website's pages where you want the ads to appear. Double-check that there are no typos or missing characters in the code. Second, make sure that your website is accessible and publicly available. If your website is behind a login or restricted to certain users, AdSense won't be able to verify the code. Additionally, check that your website complies with AdSense policies and guidelines, as any violations could prevent the ads from showing. As an example of how to wash your mouse pad, gently scrub the surface with a mixture of mild detergent and water, rinse thoroughly, and allow it to air dry completely before using it again.

If you've added to your AdSense account and see the "We couldn't find the code on your site" error, a few things might be causing it. Firstly, double-check that you've correctly copied and pasted the provided AdSense code from Google onto the pages where you want the ads. Look out for typos or missing characters.

Secondly, ensure your website is publicly accessible. If it's behind a login or restricted, AdSense can't verify the code. Also, make sure your site follows AdSense policies as violations can stop ads from showing.As an example apkthrills is very amazing website.

For instance, to clean your mouse pad, gently scrub the surface with mild detergent and water. Rinse well, then let it air dry completely before using again.

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