fingerprint (3)

Why The Web Is Such A Mess

When Tim Berners-Lee proposed the idea  for the World Wide Web back in 1989,   he wrote about a “universal linked  information system”. His exact words:   “a place to be found for any  informati...

Den W. · 23 November 2020 · 273

Why You Should Turn On Two Factor Authentication

In 1981, the President of the United States, Ronald Reagan, was shot by a gunman in Washington DC. It wasn’t fatal, but it was close. Reagan was rushed to hospital and in the chaos, the Biscuit went missing. The Biscuit was the nickname given...

Alex · 03 August 2020 · 133

30% of the 1000 largest sites use scripts for hidden identification

A group of researchers from Mozilla, the University of Iowa and the University of California have published  their study results of the use of code for hidden user identification on sites. Hidden identification means the generation of ident...

Alex · 27 August 2020 · 50