funny (4)

The Ultimate Guide to Funny GIFs - Spreading Laughter One Loop at a Time

The abbreviation "Funny GIFs" stands for "Graphics Interchange Format." Both static and moving photos can be stored in this well-known image file type. GIFs, which were created in 1987 by CompuServe, use lossless compression. Guaranteeing that the quality of the images is preserved both during storage and transmission. Simple animations, brief vide...

William James · 26 July 2023 · 6

5 Weird Vehicles That Are (Somehow) Legal To Drive

Throughout the evolution of transport, there have been downright weird vehicles created. Some of these have been hand-built by hobbyists in their backyards or garages, while others have been mass-produced by some of the biggest brand names on the ma...

Alexander Belsey · 28 February 2023 · 7

디즈니 드라마 변론을 시작하겠습니다 다시보기 12부작 완결  I'll start the argument.

디즈니 드라마 변론을 시작하겠습니다 다시보기 12부작 완결  I'll start the argument.-성공을 위해 무엇이든 물어뜯는 독종 변호사 ‘노착희’와 꽂히면 물불 안가리는 별종 변호사 ‘좌시백’, 극과 극인 두 변호사가 함께 일하며 맞닥뜨리...

tengte uingen55 · 12 November 2022 · 83

The top 10 memes of the past decade

Yes, memes have become so popular on the Internet (they are exchanged by people of all ages), some companies even appeared a position for people who understand the meme and used them to advance in social networks and other media platforms. 2010 Bed...

Den W. · 4 years ago · 144