javascript (66)

A Beginner's Guide to JSON Arrays of Objects

In a beginner's journey into the world of web development, understanding JSON Arrays of Objects is like unlocking a treasure trove of structured data. Picture it as a neatly organized filing cabinet where each drawer contains a collection of related information. With JSON arrays of objects, you can store and manipulate data seamlessly, whether y...

Rahul · 5 days ago · 24

Exploring Empty Lists in Java: A Comprehensive Guide

Diving into the realm of Empty Lists in Java, this comprehensive guide illuminates their significance and versatility. Empty lists, though seemingly trivial, are foundational in Java programming, offering solutions for initializing collections, handling edge cases, and ensuring code reliability. Whether utilizing `Collections.emptyList()` or s...

Rahul · 6 days ago · 17

Java Collection: A Comprehensive Guide to Data Collection

Java Collection presents a detailed examination of Java's indispensable toolkit for managing data structures. Within this guide, we explore the core components of Java Collections, encompassing Lists, Sets, Maps, and Queues, offering insights into their importance and application. Whether you're a novice or an experienced developer, this guide...

Rahul · 1 week ago · 32 · 1

A Beginner's Guide to Java Design Patterns

Navigating the intricate world of Java Design Patterns can be daunting for beginners, but fear not! Java design patterns, such as Singleton, Factory Method, Observer, Builder, and Strategy, are like guiding stars illuminating the path to efficient and scalable code. Understanding these patterns not only enhances your programming skills but also...

Rahul · 1 week ago · 18

Beginner's Guide: Making Sense of the `substring()` Method in Java

Embarking on your coding adventure can feel overwhelming, but fear not! The `Substring()` Method in Java is your reliable guide through the maze of strings. Think of it as your handy tool for slicing and dicing text effortlessly. Just tell it where to start (remembering that Java counts from 0), where to stop, and voilà! This method is a...

Rahul · 2 weeks ago · 19

30 Java Full Stack Developer interview questions for Freshers

Are you an aspiring programmer seeking to start a professional journey as a Java Full Stack Developer? As you venture into the realm of web and software development, it is essential to equip yourself with the necessary skills and knowledge to ef...

datavalley Ai · 16 October 2023 · 93

Event Bubbling Unveiled: Navigating JavaScript's Event Propagation

Introduction JavaScript, the cornerstone of dynamic web development, empowers developers to create interactive and engaging user experiences. Central to this interactivity is the handling of events, which occur when users interact with elements on a...

Shiva Sharma · 28 September 2023 · 102 · 2

Need of callback hell in javascript

Callback hell is a term used in JavaScript programming to describe a situation where code becomes nested and hard to read due to multiple levels of callback functions. It occurs when asynchronous operations are heavily relied upon, leading to a cascade of callbacks within callbacks. Callback hell can make code maintenance and debugging challenging,...

Sahil Saini · 11 September 2023 · 77

Security Considerations for QR Code Scanners in JavaScript Applications

As QR codes continue to gain popularity in various applications, addressing the security considerations surrounding their implementation in JavaScript applications becomes imperative.   Javascript QR code scanners and barcode scanner APIs...

Evelyn Kroll · 01 August 2023 · 21

Exploring JavaScript Vs Ruby on Rails - Which Reigns Supreme?

When it comes to web development, there are numerous programming languages and frameworks to choose from. Among the most popular ones are JavaScript vs Ruby on Rails. Both have unique characteristics and cater to different development needs. In this...

Olivia Watson · 26 July 2023 · 48

What are Javascript Variable, Scope, and Hoisting [With Examples]?

Today we will talk about javascript variable scopes, how ECMAScript has defined the variables, and variable hoisting. Understanding Javascript Variable Scope and Hoisting Well, we know how the scopes of the programming language work, but it’s not the same for all programming languages. In javascript, the variable scope and its hoisting are...

Rajasree Pothula · 19 July 2023 · 52

JavaScript Security Vulnerabilities: Protecting Your Web Applications

In today's digital landscape, JavaScript is one of the most widely used programming languages for building web applications. However, like any other technology, JavaScript is not immune to security vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities can potential...

Jeff Smith · 20 June 2023 · 73

What Was Added to ECMAScript in 2023

ECMAScript is the standard for the JavaScript programming language, which establishes rules, syntax, and other criteria for creating JavaScript code. ECMAScript is annually expanded by the JavaScript developer community and aligns with the ECMA Inter...

Den W. · 31 May 2023 · 65

Substring search algorithms in JavaScript

Recently, I came across a not very difficult task on LeetCode. Within the task, I had to implement an algorithm to search for a substring in a string. While I was trying to solve the task, I realized that I knew very little about how to search for a...

Jacob Enderson · 09 May 2023 · 96

TypeScript vs JavaScript: Technology, Popularity

Learn the differences between JavaScript and TypeScript and which one you should use Primarily, when we think about developing a website, application, or software the foremost concerning question is about the platforms, technology, language, a...

Aditya Jani · 21 March 2023 · 75

ReactJS and Server-Side Rendering: What Is It and Why Does It Matter?

ReactJS is a popular JavaScript library that enables developers to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces. It is widely used for building web applications, especially those that require real-time updates and seamless performance. When it come...

Alex · 06 March 2023 · 97