procurement (5)

Unlock Business Success With Procurement & Contract Management

In the current business environment, which is characterized by speed, procurement, and supply management practices are critical factors that businesses use to ensure efficient operations and risk mitigation as well as to derive the best value. These essential functions handle prompt outcomes as requested by the suppliers and parties, staying in fav...

UniAthena · 1 week ago · 1

Procurement and Contract Management: The Winning Duo in Today's Business Landscape

Procurement & Contract Management hold a special place in the organization because of the critical role they play in business. Their contracts cover all of the essential members of an organization's team. These parties can range from a vendor or supplier to a customer or client to a provider of an external service. However, how significant is cont...

UniAthena · 22 January · 2

What Are The Benefits And Types of Procurement?

Have you ever thought about how organizations acquire the resources they require to function, develop, and expand efficiently? Throughout history, procurement and supply chains have evolved from scrolls to screens, but their relevance in business has...

UniAthena · 18 September 2023 · 2

How Does A Certification in Procurement & Contract Management Propels Your Growth?

Procurement & Contract Management are critical components in the success of any organization. Procurement involves sourcing goods and services while optimizing cost and quality. Contract management ensures adherence to agreed-upon terms and mitigates...

UniAthena · 08 August 2023 · 8

Utilizing The Latest Tech To Help With Procurement Strategy

Technology is progressing so fast that it’s leading to major transformations across numerous industries. From cloud-based collaboration services which connect us to those across the world in a second, to process automation software driven by ar...

Aggy Zawadzka · 27 October 2022 · 32 · 5