the only way to get smarter is by playing a smarter opponent (2)

Can you Survive Our Minecraft Quiz?

Image: Thiago PrudAancio/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images About This Quiz Minecraft launched in the year 2011. Now, a decade after its launch, the game is showing no signs of waning in popularity. How much do you know about this award-winning game which features baby zombies riding chickens...
04 October 2022 ·
· 33 · Hagan Broussard

Minecraft Elden ring has Arrived Thanks To Mods

Minecraft's version of Elden Ring is here, and it's incredible. It's not easy to combine these two titans of gaming, but modding and one dedicated YouTuber has made it possible. It's also easy enough to make it happen yourself. AsianHalfSquat is the YouTuber in the question. He makes a lot Minecraf...
20 September 2022 ·
· 37 · Ebsen Holst