10 simple stretches to ease lower back pain

6 min read

Are you tired of constantly battling lower back pain? Do you struggle to find relief after a long day at work or a workout session? Look no further! We've compiled a list of 10 simple stretches that can help ease your lower back pain and improve your overall flexibility. Whether you're new to flexibility excercises or an experienced yogi, these easy-to-follow exercises are sure to get your blood flowing and relieve any discomfort in your lower back. So grab a mat and let's get started on the path to feeling better today!

What is lower back pain?

Lower back pain is a common condition that can be caused by a variety of factors. The most common cause of lower back pain is improper posture. This can include sitting in the wrong position, rotating your spine too much, or carrying heavy loads improperly. Other causes of lower back pain may include spasms, arthritis, and tumors.

There are several simple stretches you can do to ease lower back pain. To start, sit with your feet flat on the floor and your hips square to the ground. Reach down through your legs and pull your heels towards your glutes. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds.

Another stretch you can do is called the pigeon pose. Lie on your back with both legs bent in front of you at 90 degrees and feet flat on the floor. Stack your shoulders over your hips and press down into the palms of your hands for support. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds.

Finally, you can do a simple seated forward bend. Sit upright with legs hip-width apart and arms extended overhead parallel to the ground. Bend forward from the hips until torso forms a 45-degree angle with thighs and then return to starting position slowly. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds if possible

Causes of lower back pain

Lower back pain can be a result of a number of factors including:

-Age: The tendency for lower back pain to increase with age is well known. As people get older, their bodies tend to change in ways that make it more difficult for them to move and function properly. This can lead to chronic lower back pain.

-Gender: Lower back pain is more common among women than men. This may be due in part to the fact that women are typically smaller and have narrower hips than men, which puts them at greater risk for rounding out or compressing these bones as they move.

-Posture: Poor posture can contribute greatly to lower back pain. When you sit or stand for long periods of time, your spine becomes compressed and prone to injury. You can avoid developing bad posture by keeping your spine tall, extending your neck and looking straight ahead when you're engaged in activities that require you to stay upright, like typing on a computer or driving a car.

-Stress: A high level of stress can cause tension throughout the body, including the muscles and tissues supporting the spine. As this tension builds over time, it can cause pain in various parts of the body, including the lower back.

Symptoms of lower back pain

If you are experiencing lower back pain, there are some simple stretches you can do to ease the pain. Start by lying down with your palms flat on the floor and your knees bent so that your thighs are parallel to each other. Press your heels into the ground as you lift your torso and chest off the floor. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position.

Another stretch you can do to ease lower back pain is called the pigeon pose. Lie down on your back with both feet flat on the ground and arms at your sides. Bend one knee so that both feet are planted flat on the ground, and reach behind yourself with one hand to grab hold of that ankle. Push up onto your toes so that you’re in a sitting position, then press down into your heel to extend your spine. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then switch legs and repeat.

If you experience chronic lower back pain, see a doctor for an evaluation. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to correct the issue.

How to stretch your back

There are a few simple stretches to know how to relieve lower back pain.

Start by sitting tall with your feet flat on the floor, and your spine straight. Hug your knees in towards your chest, and then press them out again. Hold for about 10 seconds.

Next, tilt your head down and touch your forehead to the floor. Keep your back straight, and lift your torso up until you feel a stretch in the front of your shoulders and neck. Hold for about 10 seconds.

Finally, take a deep breath and slowly release it as you reach both arms overhead. Extend them as far as you can without pain, keeping your back pressed firmly against the wall or chair. Hold for about 10 seconds before slowly lowering arms to the sides.


Lower back pain is a common problem, and there are many different ways to ease it. Some simple stretches can do the trick, and by doing them regularly you can significantly reduce your chances of experiencing back pain in the future. Be sure to warm up before beginning any stretch routine, and be patient – it might take some time but eventually these stretches will help relieve your lower back pain.


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