10 Travel Checklist: Things to Carry to USA for Indian Students

4 min read
14 December 2023

Embarking on the adventure of international study in USA for indian students marks an exhilarating phase, but adapting to a new country comes with its challenges. A carefully planned travel checklist is crucial to ensure a seamless and pleasant stay.

**Study in the USA for Indian Students**

The USA remains a favored destination for international students, with Indian students significantly contributing to this trend. According to data from the Institute of International Education (IIE), the number of Indian students in the USA surpassed 200,000 in the 2019-2020 academic year, highlighting the country's appeal as a premier destination for global education.

**10 Things to Bring to the USA**

1. **Valid Passport and Visa Documents**

   Your valid passport and necessary visa documents are the foundation of your journey. Ensure they are up-to-date and easily accessible for a smooth entry into the USA. Keep physical and digital copies in different secure locations and share the details with a trusted contact for emergencies.

   *Tip: Safeguard your documents and share copies with a trusted contact.*

2. **Financial Essentials**

   Carry international credit/debit cards and a nominal amount of USD in cash. This ensures you can handle transactions seamlessly and have some local currency for immediate needs. Notify your bank about your travel plans to avoid any card-related issues.

   *Tip: Inform your bank about your travel plans to prevent card-related issues.*

3. **Health Insurance and Medical Records**

   Health insurance is essential in the USA, where medical expenses can be high. Carry a copy of your insurance details and relevant medical records for reference. Understand your insurance coverage and locate nearby healthcare facilities upon arrival.

   *Tip: Understand your health insurance coverage and know nearby healthcare facilities.*

4. **Prescription Medications**

   Bring an ample supply of prescribed medications and pack a basic first aid kit for minor health concerns. Research the availability of your medications in the USA and consider bringing a doctor's note for customs.

   *Tip: Research medication availability and carry a doctor's note for customs.*

5. **Adapters and Electronic Gadgets**

   Carry universal power adapters to charge your electronic devices, ensuring you can stay connected and powered up throughout your stay. Check the voltage requirements of your devices to avoid potential damage.

   *Tip: Check device voltage requirements to avoid damage.*

6. **Clothes for Different Seasons**

   The USA has varied climates, so pack clothing suitable for different seasons. Include essentials like jackets, comfortable shoes, and layers for flexibility. Research the climate of your specific location to pack accordingly.

   *Tip: Pack clothing suitable for different climates and research your specific location's weather.*

7. **Academic Items**

   Keep academic documents, such as acceptance letters and transcripts, along with personal identification documents. These are vital for various purposes, including accommodation and enrollment. Store both physical and digital copies securely.

   *Tip: Secure physical and digital copies of academic and identification documents.*

8. **Cultural and Personal Items**

   Bring a few items that provide comfort and a sense of home, such as cultural artifacts, photographs, or favorite snacks. While adapting to a new culture is essential, having familiar items can help ease homesickness.

   *Tip: Bring personal items for comfort and familiarity.*

9. **Laptop and Academic Supplies**

   A laptop is a crucial tool for academic activities. Carry necessary academic supplies to ensure you're well-equipped for your courses. Check if your institution has any specific requirements for electronic devices.

   *Tip: Check for specific electronic device requirements from your institution.*

10. **Local SIM Card and Emergency Contacts**

    Upon arrival, get a local SIM card for your phone to have a local number. Keep a list of emergency contacts, including local authorities and your institution. Familiarize yourself with emergency services and contacts in your area.

    *Tip: Get a local SIM card for communication and know local emergency contacts.*

Preparing a comprehensive travel checklist is an essential step for a successful study in the USA for Indian students. The checklist serves as a guide to ensure a smooth transition and a comfortable stay. As the trend of Indian students studying abroad continues to grow, being well-prepared becomes increasingly crucial.

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Read for more info: https://www.bloglovin.com/@studyinusaconsultancy/10-travel-checklist-things-to-carry-to-usa
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