12 SEO Tips to Boost Your Organic Rankings & Traffic

8 min read
28 December 2022

Search engine optimization (SEO) is critical in helping businesses succeed online. Consistent SEO efforts can increase visibility, organic rankings, and traffic. But, understanding and implementing effective SEO tips or strategies can be complex and time-consuming. If you want to boost your organic rankings and increase your website traffic, here are 12 SEO tips to get you started. 

By leveraging these tips, you can ensure your website is optimized for search engine ranking, and your content is discoverable by your target audience. Let's dive in to know.

1. Target Relevant Keywords

When optimizing your website for a higher ranking and high traffic, targeting relevant primary and secondary keywords is essential. A primary keyword is a word or phrase used to describe your website's main topic.

These may be used in the title, headings, content, and image alt tags.

You will need keyword research to find your website's best primary and secondary keywords. Start by making a list of topics that are related to your website. Then use keyword research tools like Google AdWords and Moz, Google keyword planner, etc.

2. Write Quality Content

When it comes to writing quality content for a website, it's all about creating original, informative, and engaging content. Content should be registered to make the website stand out from the competition and create a lasting impression on readers who come across it.

The first step to writing quality content for a website is understanding the target audience. Identifying the primary audience can determine the tone of content and ensure that it appeals to users. Also, it's important to consider the keywords relevant to the website and incorporate them into the content.

3. Get More Backlinks

When it comes to getting more backlinks for a better website ranking, there are several steps one can take to improve their website's visibility.

The first step is to create high-quality content. Quality content allows website owners to link to other websites through backlinks, which can help increase visibility and rankings.

4. Optimize Your Pages With Keywords

Keywords are an essential part of optimizing your website pages. It is important to select the right keywords and use them strategically in your web page content.

You need to understand what your target audience is searching for and the phrases they are using to search. You can use online tools like Google Keyword Planner to help you find the most relevant keywords for your website.

The next step is to optimize your web pages with these relevant keywords.

5. Choose less competitive keywords 

Keywords with less competition are more likely to be successful. Understanding the user's intent is crucial before selecting keywords. It is important to identify your target customer. After that, you can choose keywords with less competition and more relevance.

Multiple tools are available to help you with keyword research that provides you with the search volume and competition of the keywords. It is important to select keywords with high volume and low competition that will help you rank higher in search engine results.

6. Optimize for Search Intent 

Ranking higher in search engine results is a key priority for website owners and SEO professionals. Achieving high rankings requires more than just optimizing for keywords.

Is the user looking for an answer to a question? Are they looking for a product or service? Knowing the search intent helps website owners create content that meets users' needs. When optimizing search intent, it’s important to understand and provide information for different types of queries 

7. Improve Your Site Speed 

Improving your website's speed is essential to achieving a good ranking.

Firstly, it's important to have a good hosting provider. It's important to have a host that can provide reliable and fast services. 

It will help your website load quickly and consistently. Additionally, it's important to make sure the hosting plan includes features for caching, compression, and other elements that can help speed up your site.

Secondly, it's essential to optimize your images. Large images can slow down your website, so it's important to compress them and ensure they are adequately sized. Additionally, it's also important to optimize videos, audio, and others.

8. Improve Your Site Structure

Organizing your website structure is a great way to improve your ranking and draw in more visitors. A well-structured website will make it easier for search engines to crawl your pages, making your content easier to rank in search engine results.

Start by getting to know your target audience. Once you know who you're trying to reach, you can create categories and sections tailored to their needs. This will help you create a logical and user-friendly website structure that will make it easy for visitors to find what they're looking for.

9. Optimize Your Category Pages

Globally, e-commerce businesses are constantly looking for ways to increase traffic and rankings on their category pages. It can be difficult to optimize category pages, but with the right strategies, you can improve your rankings and increase visitor traffic.

The first step to optimizing your category pages is ensuring your page titles are keyword-rich and descriptive. 

This will help search engines understand what your category pages are about and will show up in relevant searches. Additionally, make sure your URLs are keyword-rich and descriptive as well. The second step is ensuring your category pages are well-organized, with clear headings and subheadings.

10. Check For Duplicate Content

Having duplicate content on a website can be a huge issue regarding ranking and traffic. Two main points can cause duplicate content. The first is when the same content is posted on multiple website pages, such as product descriptions copied and pasted on different pages. This can create a major issue for ranking since search engines will often only display one version of the content.

The second issue is when other websites republish content from a website, creating duplicate content not owned by the original website. This can also make a major problem for ranking since search engines may need to know which original version of the content.

  1. Check Keyword Cannibalization

Keyword cannibalization occurs when a website uses multiple pages to target the same keyword or phrase. These can present a major issue for search engines, resulting in one or more pages being penalized or excluded from the search engine index based on the need for more clarification.

First, you must identify all pages targeting a particular keyword or phrase to check for keyword cannibalization. This can be done using tools like Google Search Console or Ahrefs to review the existing keyword targeting for each page.

12. Set up HTTPS 

HTTPS, or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, is a secure protocol for exchanging information over the internet. It ensures that all data passed between the web server and a browser is encrypted, protecting it from malicious attacks and providing a secure online experience.

By setting up HTTPS, website owners can ensure that their users can access the website safely and securely. Moreover, Google has clarified that they prefer websites with a secure protocol and reward higher rankings to websites adopting HTTPS. These give website owners the incentive to switch, as doing so can lead to higher rankings and more traffic.


SEO tips help increase your website visibility and build trust with your target audience, leading to more organic search traffic. By understanding the fundamentals of SEO and utilizing the 12 tips in this article, you can take significant strides toward improving your organic rankings and increasing your website traffic.

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Ahegao Hoodie 3.1K
Ahegao Hoodie is a renowned guest posting expert who has been in the field for over 7 years. She has helped numerous businesses build their online presence with...

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